



"One Hundred Years of Solitude" is the representative work of Colombian writer Garcia Marquez. Since its publication in 1967, it has attracted widespread attention worldwide due to its unique magical realism style and profound social and historical connotations. This article aims to explore the rich symbolic significance and historical evolution of the Bourndia family portrayed by Gabriel Garcia Marquez in One Hundred Years of Solitude. Firstly, in Chapter 2, we provide a detailed overview of the origin and rise and fall of the Bourndia family, analyzing the development trajectory of the family in Macondo town and its complex relationship with the town. Through their adventures, struggles, and power struggles, family members have shaped the unique position of the Boundia family in the town of Macondo and even throughout Latin American society. Furthermore, in Chapter 3, we conducted in-depth character analysis of the main members of the family, including Jose Arcadio Boundia, Ursula, and Aureliano Boundia, revealing their unique personality traits and important roles in family history. Finally, in Chapter 4, we explored the symbolic significance of the Boundia family, including its connection with Latin American history, its association with the theme of loneliness, and the embodiment of the concept of time cycles within the family. These analyses not only deepen our understanding of the Boundia family and its members, but also provide us with a unique perspective on the history, culture, and society of Latin America as a whole.

Keywords: A Hundred Years of Solitude; The Bourndia family; Character image analysis

一、绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究目的及内容 2
二、作者简介 3
三、布恩迪亚家族的历史沿革 4
3.1 家族的起源与兴衰 4
3.1.1 家族的起源 4
3.1.2 家族的兴旺 4
3.1.3 家族的衰亡 4
3.2 家族与马孔多镇的关系 5
3.2.1 家族的起源与马孔多镇的建立 5
3.2.2 家族的发展与马孔多镇的兴盛 5
3.2.3 家族的衰落与马孔多镇的衰亡 5
3.3 家族内部的权力动态 6
3.3.1 权力的起源与初步分配 6
3.3.2 权力的传承与演变 6
3.3.3 权力的纷争与衰落 6
四、布恩迪亚家族人物形象深度解析 7
4.1 何塞·阿尔卡迪奥·布恩迪亚的形象分析 7
4.2 乌尔苏拉的形象分析 7
4.3 奥雷里亚诺·布恩迪亚的形象分析 8
4.4 其他重要家族成员形象分析 9
五、布恩迪亚家族的象征意义 10
5.1 家族与拉丁美洲历史的联系 10
5.2 家族与孤独主题的关联 11
5.3 家族与时间循环观念的体现 11
六、结论 12
参考文献 13



