



Anna Karenina, as a masterpiece of Leo Tolstoy, deeply analyzes the tragic love and social conflicts in 19th century Russian society, and leaves valuable cultural heritage for future generations with its unique perspective and rich plot. This article aims to delve into the causes of love tragedy in this work, the impact of social conflicts on personal destiny, and the relationship between the two, and further analyze its inspiration and criticism for modern society. This article provides a detailed analysis of the marriage life between Anna and Karenin. In this relationship, the emptiness, dissatisfaction, indifference, and lack of common language between the two have become the root causes of the breakdown of the marriage. This article analyzes the impact of social moral norms and legal constraints on Anna's tragic love story. In Russian society at that time, non-traditional concepts of love were greatly rejected and suppressed, which made Anna face enormous pressure and difficulties in pursuing love. At the same time, the hypocrisy and indifference of aristocratic society also provided soil for the occurrence of love tragedies. The tragic love and social conflicts in Anna Karenina provide us with profound insights into modern society. Through in-depth analysis of this classic work, we can better understand the views on love and social values in modern society, and provide useful reference and inspiration for building more harmonious and healthy social relationships.

Keywords: Anna Karenina; Love tragedy; social conflict

一、绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究目的及内容 2

二、爱情悲剧的成因 3

2.1 安娜与卡列宁的婚姻生活 3
2.1.1 婚姻中的空虚与不满 3
2.1.2 卡列宁的冷漠与缺乏共同语言 4
2.2 安娜与伏伦斯基的爱情 4
2.2.1 爱情的激情与盲目 4
2.2.2 承诺与谎言的交织 5
2.3 爱情悲剧的外部因素 6
2.3.1 社会道德规范与法律约束 6
2.3.2 贵族社会的虚伪与冷漠 6

三、社会冲突对个人命运的影响 7

3.1 安娜对个人幸福的追求 7
3.2 安娜的挣扎与社会道德的冲突 7
3.3 卡列宁家庭破碎的心理创伤 8
3.4 卡列宁官僚生活的束缚与无奈 8
3.5 其他角色的命运 9
3.5.1 列文与嘉丽雅芙的困境 9
3.5.2 奥布朗斯基公爵的放纵与沉沦 9

四、爱情悲剧与社会冲突的关系 10

4.1 爱情悲剧是社会冲突的体现 10
4.2 社会冲突对爱情悲剧的影响 11
五、爱情悲剧与社会冲突的现代意义 11
5.1 对现代爱情观的启示 11
5.2 对现代社会的批判与反思 12
六、结论 12
参考文献 14



