

摘 要


This study aims to explore the strength characteristics of hemispherical composite stereo reinforced sand. By using rubber as reinforced material, we systematically analyzed the strength performance, stress-strain relationship and damage pattern of reinforced sand in different hemisphere quantity and under ambient pressure conditions. The experimental results showed that the hemispherical composite solid reinforced sand showed significantly enhanced shear strength in the low ambient pressure environment. This enhancement effect becomes more obvious with the number of reinforcement layers, indicating that the hemispherical reinforcement can effectively limit the movement of sand particles and improve the overall stability. Compared with the traditional horizontal reinforcement method, the hemispherical complex reinforcement has a greater binding force on the soil, and can effectively disperse the stress under the action of external force, thus significantly improving the shear strength of the reinforced soil. We also observed that both the cohesion and internal friction angle of the reinforced sand were significantly increased with the number of hemisphere. This indicates that the hemispherical reinforcement not only enhances the shear resistance of the sand, but also improves the stability of its internal structure. This study not only reveals the strength characteristics and action mechanism of hemispherical composite stereo reinforced sand, but also provides strong theoretical support and experimental basis for the optimization and application of reinforcement technology in practical engineering. Through in-depth analysis of the influence of reinforced material properties, hemispherical reinforcement design, sand properties, external loading conditions and surrounding pressure on the strength of reinforced sand, we expect to contribute new insights and ideas to the development of civil engineering field, and promote the further innovation and application of reinforcement technology.

Keywords: Hemispherical composite stereo; reinforced sand; strength characteristics

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究目的和内容 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
第2章 半球形复合立体加筋砂土概述 3
2.1 半球形复合立体加筋砂土的定义及分类 3
2.1.1 半球形复合立体加筋砂土的定义 3
2.1.2 半球形复合立体加筋砂土的分类 3
2.2 半球形复合立体加筋结构的构造特点 4
2.2.1 几何形状 4
2.2.2 加筋材料 4
2.3 砂土的基本性质与工程特性 5
2.3.1 砂土的基本性质 5
2.3.2 砂土的工程特性 5
第3章 半球形复合立体加筋砂土的应用领域 6
3.1 交通工程中的路基与边坡 6
3.2 水利工程中的堤防与坝体 6
3.3 环境保护工程中的土壤加固与修复 7
第4章 半球形复合立体加筋砂土强度特性的影响因素 8
4.1 砂土性质对强度的影响 8
4.2 加筋材料对强度的影响 8
4.3 半球形结构对强度的影响 8
4.4 外部加载条件对强度的影响 9
第5章 半球形复合立体加筋砂土实验研究 10
5.1 实验材料与设备 10
5.2 实验设计与方法 10
5.3 实验结果与分析 10
5.4 实验结论与讨论 11
结 论 12
参考文献 13
致 谢 14



