

摘 要


With the vigorous development of e-commerce trade, the e-commerce trade marketing of pharmaceutical and chemical products has become an important driving force to promote the continuous progress of the industry. However, in the rapidly changing market environment, the e-commerce trade marketing of pharmaceutical and chemical products also faces many challenges, such as fuzzy product positioning, homogenization of marketing strategies and inadequate customer relationship management. In order to overcome these difficulties, this paper comprehensively discusses the optimization strategy of e-commerce trade marketing of pharmaceutical and chemical products. At the product strategy level, this paper emphasizes the importance of precise positioning and differentiated product development. Through the in-depth research and analysis of the target market, enterprises can clarify the product positioning, and conduct differentiated development according to the market demand, so as to meet the personalized needs of consumers. At the same time, improving product quality and safety guarantee is also the key, to ensure that consumers are fully guaranteed in the process of purchase and use. In the marketing strategy, this paper puts forward the expansion of diversified marketing channels. Through online and offline multi-channel marketing, enterprises can expand the exposure and influence of their products and attract more potential consumers. In addition, the innovation of marketing methods and means is also the key to improve marketing effect, such as the use of social media, short video and other new media platform for marketing, strengthen the shaping of brand image, this paper puts forward optimization strategy to promote the use of pharmaceutical chemical products electricity trade marketing effect, enhance market competitiveness, achieve sustainable development. These strategies not only provide useful reference and reference for the practice of e-commerce trade marketing of pharmaceutical and chemical products, but also point out the direction for the future development of the industry.

Keywords: Pharmaceutical and chemical products;E-commerce trade;Marketing problems

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究目的和内容 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
第2章 医药化工产品电商贸易概述 3
2.1 医药化工产品电商贸易营销特点 3
2.2 医药化工产品电商贸易的主要模式 3
2.3 医药化工产品电商贸易营销的市场表现 4
第3章 医药化工产品电商贸易营销环境分析 5
3.1 宏观环境对电商贸易营销的影响 5
3.2 行业环境对电商贸易营销的影响 5
3.3 消费者行为变化对电商贸易营销的影响 6
第4章 医药化工产品电商贸易营销的主要问题 7
4.1 产品定位与市场需求不匹配问题 7
4.1.1 产品定位模糊与市场需求脱节 7
4.1.2 缺乏针对目标市场的深度研究 7
4.2 营销渠道与策略选择不当问题 8
4.2.1 营销渠道单一与效率低下 8
4.2.2 营销策略缺乏创新与灵活性 8
4.3 营销团队能力与素质问题 9
4.3.1 营销团队专业能力不足 9
4.3.2 缺乏有效的激励机制与培训体系 9
4.4 客户关系管理与售后服务问题 10
4.4.1 客户关系管理不到位 10
4.4.2 售后服务体系不完善 10
第5章 医药化工产品电商贸易营销问题的优化策略 11
5.1 多元化营销渠道拓展 11
5.1.1 拓展线上营销渠道与平台 11
5.1.2 加强线下实体店面的建设与布局 11
5.2 加强营销推广与品牌建设 12
5.2.1 制定有效的营销推广计划 12
5.2.2 加大品牌宣传力度与投入 12
5.3 持续的专业发展与培训 13
5.3.1 培训和技能提升 13
5.3.2 建立完善的激励机制 13
5.4 优化客户服务与售后支持 14
5.4.1 建立完善的客户服务体系 14
5.4.2 提供及时、专业的售后支持 14
结 论 15
参考文献 16
致 谢 17



