Children's reading plays a pivotal role in children's quality education, and its far-reaching influence is not only reflected in children's cognitive development, but also in emotion, social and aesthetic aspects. Children's reading is an important driver of children's cognitive development. By reading all kinds of books, children can be exposed to animals, plants, natural science, history, geography and other rich knowledge fields. This not only greatly broadened their horizons, but also stimulated their curiosity about the world, and accumulated valuable knowledge reserve for their future learning career. At the same time, reading can also exercise children's cognitive skills such as text recognition, image understanding and story plot analysis, laying a solid foundation for their learning. Children's reading also has an important impact in young children's emotional and social development. Emotionally stories help children learn how to express their feelings and improve their communication skills with others. At the same time, the plot and characters in the story can resonate with children, help them understand the feelings of others deeper, and thus develop deep empathy. This empathy plays a crucial role in young children's future interpersonal and social skills. Children's reading plays an irreplaceable role in children's quality education. We should attach great importance to children's reading education, and provide children with more high-quality reading materials, so that they can feel the charm of knowledge in reading, cultivate their interest and ability in reading, and help them grow up healthily and happily.
Keywords: Children's reading; Children's quality education; integrated development
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究目的和内容 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
第2章 儿童阅读相关概述 3
2.1 儿童阅读的定义 3
2.2 儿童阅读的类型与特点 3
2.3 儿童阅读的理论基础 4
第3章 幼儿素质教育的内涵与目标 5
3.1 幼儿素质教育的定义 5
3.2 幼儿素质教育的核心要素 5
3.3 幼儿素质教育的目标体系 5
3.4 幼儿素质教育的实践途径 6
第4章 儿童阅读对幼儿素质教育的影响 7
4.1 对幼儿认知发展的影响 7
4.1.1 扩大词汇量 7
4.1.2 促进记忆力发展 7
4.2 对幼儿情感发展的影响 8
4.2.1 增强情感认知能力 8
4.2.2 丰富情感体验 8
4.3 对幼儿社会交往能力的影响 8
4.3.1 提高沟通能力 8
4.3.2 增加共同话题 9
4.4 对幼儿学习习惯和兴趣的影响 9
4.4.1 形成规律的学习时间 9
4.4.2 激发好奇心 10
第5章 儿童阅读在幼儿素质教育中的实践优化策略 11
5.1 精选阅读材料与适应幼儿发展阶段 11
5.1.1 适龄化阅读材料选择 11
5.1.2 定期更新阅读材料 11
5.2 创设互动与引导性的阅读环境 12
5.2.1 互动阅读环境建设 12
5.2.2 采用引导性的阅读方式 12
5.3 培养良好阅读习惯,建立规律阅读时间 12
5.3.1 制定固定的阅读时间 12
5.3.2 教授幼儿正确的阅读姿势 13
5.4 融入跨学科知识,拓宽阅读视野 13
5.4.1 融入科学、艺术、历史等跨学科知识 13
5.4.2 培养幼儿批判性思维和创新能力 14
结 论 15
参考文献 16
致 谢 17