Title of Your Article
Abstract:In today's era, people's products are constantly updated, and people's quality of life is also constantly improving. In universities, students often have some spare books, guidance materials, clothing and other living and learning supplies. It is a wise move for college students to "turn the idle things into treasure". This paper studies the current mainstream platform of secondary trade in universities, and proposes to establish a better university idle commodity trading system. The system includes six functional modules: login authentication, seller separation, personal center, search, chat and feedback. This system is aimed at students and students in a university. That is to say, this system is limited by region and will not trade between schools. It is a more convenient and safe platform. Through a series of functional and performance tests, the effectiveness of the scheme is verified.
Keywords:Vacancies; Merchants; University region; University teachers and students
目 录
摘要 3
Abstract 3
一、前言 3
2.系统主要创新 4
2.1 卖家买家分离 4
2.2以大学为基础的独立大学 4
2.3建议和猜测您的喜好 5
3 系统分析与设计 5
3.1 系统功能需求分析 5
3.2系统接口的设计 6
3 系统核心功能具体实现 8
3.1 发布功能模块的实现 8
3.2实现推荐函数模块 9
3.3 聊天功能模块的实现 10
4 系统测试 12
4.1 功能测试 12
4.2性能测试 12
5结论 13
参考文献 13
致谢 14