摘 要:《红楼梦》是中国古典小说中的经典作品,它所蕴含的丰富的精神和文化意蕴,突破了传统的文学定格,呈现给读者的是一个巨大而复杂的、真实而又生动的世界。文章从《红楼梦》的故事情节,人物塑造,形象象征等几个角度,对其所蕴含的社会道德,人性,人性的反差,以及对中国古典与近代文学的影响等进行了深入的分析,并对其所蕴含的精神与文化意蕴进行了深入的分析。
Abstract: A Dream of Red Mansions is a classic work in Chinese classical novels. Its rich spiritual and cultural implications break through the traditional literary stereotype and present readers with a huge and complex, real and vivid world. From the perspectives of story plot, character shaping, image symbol and so on, this paper makes an in-depth analysis of the social morality, human nature and the contrast of human nature contained in A Dream of Red Mansions, as well as its influence on Chinese classical and modern literature, as well as its spiritual and cultural implications.
Key words: The spiritual culture of A Dream of Red;Mansions contains;social morality
目 录
摘 要 2
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景与意义 1
(二)研究内容和方法 1
二、《红楼梦》的社会道德探讨 1
(一)封建礼教的弊端 1
(二)家族道德的衰落 2
三、《红楼梦》的人性探讨 2
(一)人性尊严的追求 2
(二)人性对立的冲击 3
四、《红楼梦》的意象象征探讨 3
(一)水的意象象征 3
(二)花的意象象征 4
五、 《红楼梦》对中国古典文学和现代文学的影响 4
(一)对中国古典文学的影响 4
(二)对现代文学的影响 4
六、 结论 5
参考文献 5
Abstract: A Dream of Red Mansions is a classic work in Chinese classical novels. Its rich spiritual and cultural implications break through the traditional literary stereotype and present readers with a huge and complex, real and vivid world. From the perspectives of story plot, character shaping, image symbol and so on, this paper makes an in-depth analysis of the social morality, human nature and the contrast of human nature contained in A Dream of Red Mansions, as well as its influence on Chinese classical and modern literature, as well as its spiritual and cultural implications.
Key words: The spiritual culture of A Dream of Red;Mansions contains;social morality
目 录
摘 要 2
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景与意义 1
(二)研究内容和方法 1
二、《红楼梦》的社会道德探讨 1
(一)封建礼教的弊端 1
(二)家族道德的衰落 2
三、《红楼梦》的人性探讨 2
(一)人性尊严的追求 2
(二)人性对立的冲击 3
四、《红楼梦》的意象象征探讨 3
(一)水的意象象征 3
(二)花的意象象征 4
五、 《红楼梦》对中国古典文学和现代文学的影响 4
(一)对中国古典文学的影响 4
(二)对现代文学的影响 4
六、 结论 5
参考文献 5