[关键词] 物联网;电气系统监控;故障预测
With the expansion of electrical systems, fault generation has become an important issue in power system management. In order to improve the reliability and safety of electrical systems, this study designs a fault warning system for electrical systems based on IoT technology with intelligent edge nodes. The system can achieve real-time monitoring, fault prediction, and warning for electrical systems. The main research contents include an overview of IoT technology, analysis of the current situation of electrical system monitoring technology, system architecture design, research on fault warning models, and system testing. The experimental results show that the prediction model in this study has high accuracy and stability, which can improve the safety and reliability of electrical systems.
Key words: IoT; electrical system monitoring; fault prediction
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一. 绪论 1
(一)研究背景和意义 1
(二)国内外研究现状 1
(三)研究内容及目的 2
二. 物联网电气系统监控技术概述 2
(一)物联网技术概述 2
(二)电气系统监控技术现状分析 3
(三)电气系统监控技术需求分析 3
三. 系统架构设计 4
(一)系统架构概述 4
(二)智能边缘节点设计 5
(三)远程监控中心设计 6
四. 故障预警模型研究 6
(一)监控数据分析与预处理 6
(二)特征选取与构建预测模型 7
(三)故障预测与预警策略研究 8
五. 系统测试与应用 8
(一)实验环境描述 8
(二)系统测试 9
结论 9
参考文献 11