
摘    要
通过对国内外超市的发展和市场营销策略等现状进行分析、总结后发现,互联网发 展为传统超市带来了一系列的机遇和挑战,其中机遇包括有利于超市实现精准营销、重 新整合供应链、合理布局社区商业圈、实现全渠道融合等方面,挑战包括消费群体被分流、经营模式被改变、市场地位被损害、产品利润被削薄等方面。本文以河南兰考LM 超市为研究对象,通过分析LM超市的发展现状得出,LM超市在运营过程中存在不够关注网络营销、不能满足顾客线下体验、服务营销理念淡薄等营销问题。此外,笔者还结合所学SWOT分析工具,对LM超市的内部优劣势、外部机会威胁进行全面分析。最后,为LM超市提出网络营销、体验营销、服务营销等方面的一系列营销策略改进措施。 


Having analyzed and summarized the development conditions and marketing strategies of the  supermarkets from home and abroad, it is found that the development of the Internet has made a series of  challenges and opportunities for traditional supermarkets. The opportunities includes the achievements targeted marketing, reintegration of the supply chains, the appropriate layout of the business circle in community and multi-approaches integration and so on .While the challenges consist of the division of customers, changes in performance modes and the decrease of the market status as well as cut in their profits. Besides, it is found that LM supermarket lacked the concerns of network marketing, customers offline experiencing and service awareness. In addition, making use of SWOT, I analyze the internal advantages and disadvantages and the external opportunities and threats in all aspects. Ultimately, marketing strategies for improvement in online, experiencing and service marketing are put forward.

Keywords: Internet;Traditional Supermarkets;Online Marketing;Experiencing Marketing;Service  Marketing

目    录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究内容 2
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
第2章 相关理论基础知识 3
2.1 网络营销理论 3
2.2服务营销理论 5
第3章 对传统超市的影响 5
3.1 积极影响 5
3.2 消极影响 7
结论 10
参 考 文 献 11
致    谢 12



