摘 要:本研究旨在探讨小学科学探究式教学法对学生科学素养的提升作用,并通过系统化的实证研究验证其有效性。研究工具包括科学素养测试问卷、课堂观察记录表以及教师访谈提纲,从知识理解、科学探究能力、科学态度三个维度对学生的科学素养进行综合评估。数据分析结果显示,实验组学生在科学知识掌握、问题解决能力和科学兴趣方面的表现显著优于对照组,表明探究式教学法能够有效促进小学生科学素养的发展。此外,研究发现该教学法特别有助于培养学生的批判性思维和合作学习能力,这是传统教学模式难以实现的创新点。
Inquiry-Based Science Teaching in Primary Schools: Enhancing Students' Scientific Literacy
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of primary school scientific inquiry teaching method on improving students' scientific literacy and verify its effectiveness through systematic empirical research. The research tools include the scientific literacy test questionnaire, the classroom observation record form and the teacher interview outline, which comprehensively evaluate the students' scientific literacy from the three dimensions of knowledge understanding, scientific inquiry ability and scientific attitude. The data analysis results showed that the performance of the students in the experimental group was significantly better than the control group in the mastery of scientific knowledge, the problem solving ability and the scientific interest, indicating that the inquiry teaching method can effectively promote the development of the scientific literacy of primary school students. In addition, the study found that this teaching method is especially helpful to cultivate students' critical thinking and cooperative learning ability, which is difficult to achieve in the traditional teaching mode.
Keywords: Inquiry-Based Teaching Method;Scientific Literacy;Primary School Students;Quasi-Experimental Design;Critical Thinking
目 录
引言 1
一、探究式教学法的理论基础 2
(一)科学探究的基本概念 2
(二)探究式教学的核心要素 3
(三)小学科学教育的特点 3
(四)探究式教学与科学素养的关系 4
(五)理论框架的构建 5
二、探究式教学法在小学科学课堂的应用 5
(一)教学设计的原则与方法 5
(二)学生参与探究活动的形式 6
(三)实验教学中的探究实践 7
(四)问题驱动的教学策略 7
(五)案例分析与效果评估 8
三、探究式教学对学生科学素养的影响 9
(一)科学知识的理解与掌握 9
(二)科学思维能力的培养 9
(三)科学探究技能的发展 10
(四)科学态度与价值观的形成 10
(五)综合素养提升的表现 11
四、探究式教学法实施中的挑战与对策 12
(一)教师专业能力的要求 12
(二)教学资源的开发与利用 12
(三)时间管理与课程安排的优化 13
(四)学生个体差异的应对策略 14
(五)政策支持与学校环境的作用 14
结论 15
参考文献 17
摘 要:本研究旨在探讨小学科学探究式教学法对学生科学素养的提升作用,并通过系统化的实证研究验证其有效性。研究工具包括科学素养测试问卷、课堂观察记录表以及教师访谈提纲,从知识理解、科学探究能力、科学态度三个维度对学生的科学素养进行综合评估。数据分析结果显示,实验组学生在科学知识掌握、问题解决能力和科学兴趣方面的表现显著优于对照组,表明探究式教学法能够有效促进小学生科学素养的发展。此外,研究发现该教学法特别有助于培养学生的批判性思维和合作学习能力,这是传统教学模式难以实现的创新点。
Inquiry-Based Science Teaching in Primary Schools: Enhancing Students' Scientific Literacy
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of primary school scientific inquiry teaching method on improving students' scientific literacy and verify its effectiveness through systematic empirical research. The research tools include the scientific literacy test questionnaire, the classroom observation record form and the teacher interview outline, which comprehensively evaluate the students' scientific literacy from the three dimensions of knowledge understanding, scientific inquiry ability and scientific attitude. The data analysis results showed that the performance of the students in the experimental group was significantly better than the control group in the mastery of scientific knowledge, the problem solving ability and the scientific interest, indicating that the inquiry teaching method can effectively promote the development of the scientific literacy of primary school students. In addition, the study found that this teaching method is especially helpful to cultivate students' critical thinking and cooperative learning ability, which is difficult to achieve in the traditional teaching mode.
Keywords: Inquiry-Based Teaching Method;Scientific Literacy;Primary School Students;Quasi-Experimental Design;Critical Thinking
目 录
引言 1
一、探究式教学法的理论基础 2
(一)科学探究的基本概念 2
(二)探究式教学的核心要素 3
(三)小学科学教育的特点 3
(四)探究式教学与科学素养的关系 4
(五)理论框架的构建 5
二、探究式教学法在小学科学课堂的应用 5
(一)教学设计的原则与方法 5
(二)学生参与探究活动的形式 6
(三)实验教学中的探究实践 7
(四)问题驱动的教学策略 7
(五)案例分析与效果评估 8
三、探究式教学对学生科学素养的影响 9
(一)科学知识的理解与掌握 9
(二)科学思维能力的培养 9
(三)科学探究技能的发展 10
(四)科学态度与价值观的形成 10
(五)综合素养提升的表现 11
四、探究式教学法实施中的挑战与对策 12
(一)教师专业能力的要求 12
(二)教学资源的开发与利用 12
(三)时间管理与课程安排的优化 13
(四)学生个体差异的应对策略 14
(五)政策支持与学校环境的作用 14
结论 15
参考文献 17