
摘 要

关 键 词:企业创新投入,研发投入,人力资本投入,创新文化,绩效驱动机制

The Relationship between Corporate Innovation Investment and Performance Enhancement
This study aims to explore the driving mechanism of enterprise innovation investment on performance and its influence path, in order to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for enterprise decision-making. Based on the panel data of Chinese listed enterprises, using fixed effect model and intermediary effect analysis method, the comprehensive impact of multi-dimensional innovation investment, human capital investment and organizational innovation culture on enterprise financial performance and market performance. The results show that there is a significant positive relationship between innovation investment and enterprise performance, among which the direct impact of R & D investment is the most prominent, while human capital investment indirectly promotes performance improvement by enhancing organizational learning ability. In addition, the cultivation of innovation culture plays an important regulatory role in this process, which can significantly strengthen the positive effect of innovation input on performance.

KEY WORDS:Enterprise Innovation Input, Research And Development Investment, Human Capital Input, Innovation Culture, Performance Driven Mechanism

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 企业创新投入与绩效提升的研究背景 1
1.2 研究企业创新投入与绩效提升的意义 1
1.3 国内外研究现状分析 2
1.4 本文研究方法与技术路线 2
第2章 企业创新投入的构成与影响因素 3
2.1 创新投入的主要构成要素 3
2.2 资金投入对企业创新的作用 3
2.3 人力资本投入对创新的影响 4
2.4 技术资源投入的驱动机制 4
2.5 创新投入影响因素的综合分析 5
第3章 创新投入对企业绩效的传导机制 6
3.1 创新投入转化为绩效的关键路径 6
3.2 技术创新对企业财务绩效的影响 6
3.3 管理创新对运营效率的提升作用 7
3.4 市场创新对竞争优势的塑造 7
3.5 创新投入与绩效提升的中介变量分析 8
第4章 实证研究:创新投入与绩效提升的关系验证 9
4.1 研究假设的提出与设计 9
4.2 数据来源与样本选择 9
4.3 模型构建与变量测量 10
4.4 实证结果分析与讨论 10
4.5 研究发现与理论贡献 11
结  论 12
参考文献 13
致  谢 14
