范文独享 售后即删 个人专属 避免雷同


摘    要



With the acceleration of the global energy transition, photovoltaic power generation, as an important form of renewable energy, the penetration rate in the distribution network continues to increase. However, the high penetration of photovoltaic access brings significant challenges to the voltage stability of the distribution network, and the traditional voltage control methods are difficult to meet the regulation requirements in complex scenarios. To this end, this paper aims to study the voltage control strategy of distribution network suitable to high permeability photovoltaic access conditions. By constructing a distribution network model with distributed photovoltaic and combining with dynamic power flow analysis, a voltage control fr amework based on multi-source collaborative optimization is proposed. The fr amework comprehensively considers the reactive power regulation of inverter, the dynamic response of energy storage system and the coordination of on-load voltage regulating transformer, and introduces the hierarchical partition control algorithm to improve the control efficiency and flexibility. The simulation results show that the proposed strategy can effectively suppress the voltage limit, improve the performance of distribution network and reduce the system loss.

KEY WORDS: High Penetration Photovoltaic;Distribution Network Voltage Control;Multi-Source Collaborative Optimization 

目    录

摘    要 I
1  绪论 1
1.1  高渗透率光伏接入的研究背景与意义 1
1.2  国内外配电网电压控制研究现状 1
1.3  本文研究方法与技术路线 2
2  高渗透率光伏接入对配电网电压的影响分析 2
2.1  光伏发电特性及其对电压的扰动机制 2
2.2  配电网电压波动的主要影响因素 3
2.3  典型场景下电压分布特征分析 4
3  配电网电压控制策略的设计与优化 4
3.1  基于逆变器的无功功率调节策略 4
3.2  分布式储能系统的协同控制方法 5
3.3  智能软开关技术在电压控制中的应用 6
4  策略仿真验证与效果评估 6
4.1  仿真平台搭建与参数设置 6
4.2  不同控制策略的对比分析 7
4.3  控制策略的实际应用前景探讨 8
结论 9
致    谢 10
参考文献 11