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摘    要


关键词:智能传感器  机械制造  边缘计算

  With the rapid development of industry 4.0 and intelligent manufacturing, intelligent sensors, as a bridge between the physical world and the digital world, are increasingly important in the field of machinery manufacturing. The purpose of this study is to explore the current application status and optimization strategy of intelligent sensors in mechanical manufacturing, so as to improve production efficiency, reduce cost and enhance the level of system intelligence. Through the literature review and the combination of case analysis, this paper combed the current intelligent sensor technology in state monitoring, fault diagnosis, quality control and predictive maintenance of the key link of specific application, and for the complex under insufficient adaptability, limited data processing capacity and higher energy consumption. The results show that the fusion technology based on edge computing and artificial intelligence algorithm can significantly improve the data processing speed and accuracy of intelligent sensors, while reducing the dependence on cloud resources; in addition, the energy acquisition technology can effectively extend the service life of the sensor, so as to further optimize the overall performance.

Keyword:Smart Sensor  Mechanical Manufacturing  Edge Computing

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1智能传感器与机械制造的背景概述 1
1.2研究智能传感器应用的意义分析 1
1.3国内外研究现状与发展趋势 1
1.4本文研究方法与技术路线 2
2智能传感器在机械制造中的关键功能分析 2
2.1数据采集与信号处理技术 2
2.2实时监测与故障诊断能力 3
2.3高精度测量与控制优化 3
2.4多传感器融合技术的应用 3
2.5功能扩展对制造效率的影响 4
3智能传感器在典型机械制造场景中的应用 4
3.1数控机床中的应用实例 4
3.2工业机器人中的传感技术 5
3.3装配线中的实时监控系统 5
3.4质量检测中的智能化实现 6
3.5特殊环境下的适应性设计 6
4智能传感器在机械制造中的优化策略研究 7
4.1提高数据传输效率的方法 7
4.2降低能耗的技术路径 7
4.3增强系统可靠性的措施 8
4.4成本优化与经济效益评估 8
4.5未来发展方向与潜在挑战 9
结论 9
参考文献 11
致谢 12
