摘 要
关键词:中老年员工满意度 心理契约理论 职业发展空间
As the aging population intensifies and employment market competition becomes increasingly fierce, the number of elderly employees in enterprises is continuously growing, making their satisfaction a crucial factor influencing corporate development. This study aims to explore the current status of elderly employee satisfaction within enterprises and identify enhancement strategies to provide references for human resource management. Data were collected through a combination of questionnaire surveys and in-depth interviews across multiple industries in China, yielding 1,200 valid samples. The findings reveal varying degrees of dissatisfaction among elderly employees concerning work environment, career development opportunities, and compensation benefits, with limited career advancement being the primary issue. An innovative aspect of this research is the introduction of psychological contract theory into the study of elderly employee satisfaction, providing an in-depth analysis of influencing factors from a psychological perspective. The study demonstrates that establishing a positive psychological contract can contribute to enhancing elderly employee satisfaction. Additionally, a favorable corporate culture atmosphere, a fair and reasonable compensation system, and personalized career development plans are also key factors in improving satisfaction. The main contribution of this research lies in offering new perspectives and specific, feasible pathways to address elderly employee satisfaction issues, which is significant for optimizing human resource allocation and enhancing corporate competitiveness.
Keyword:Employee Satisfaction Of Middle-aged And Older Workers Psychological Contract Theory Career Development Space
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3研究方法与技术路线 2
2企业中老年员工满意度现状分析 2
2.1中老年员工工作环境感知 2
2.2职业发展机会评估 2
2.3工作与生活平衡状况 3
3影响中老年员工满意度的关键因素 4
3.1经济待遇与福利保障 4
3.2社交需求与团队氛围 4
3.3个人价值实现程度 5
4提升中老年员工满意度的路径探索 6
4.1完善职业发展规划 6
4.2优化工作环境建设 6
4.3强化人文关怀措施 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10
摘 要
关键词:中老年员工满意度 心理契约理论 职业发展空间
As the aging population intensifies and employment market competition becomes increasingly fierce, the number of elderly employees in enterprises is continuously growing, making their satisfaction a crucial factor influencing corporate development. This study aims to explore the current status of elderly employee satisfaction within enterprises and identify enhancement strategies to provide references for human resource management. Data were collected through a combination of questionnaire surveys and in-depth interviews across multiple industries in China, yielding 1,200 valid samples. The findings reveal varying degrees of dissatisfaction among elderly employees concerning work environment, career development opportunities, and compensation benefits, with limited career advancement being the primary issue. An innovative aspect of this research is the introduction of psychological contract theory into the study of elderly employee satisfaction, providing an in-depth analysis of influencing factors from a psychological perspective. The study demonstrates that establishing a positive psychological contract can contribute to enhancing elderly employee satisfaction. Additionally, a favorable corporate culture atmosphere, a fair and reasonable compensation system, and personalized career development plans are also key factors in improving satisfaction. The main contribution of this research lies in offering new perspectives and specific, feasible pathways to address elderly employee satisfaction issues, which is significant for optimizing human resource allocation and enhancing corporate competitiveness.
Keyword:Employee Satisfaction Of Middle-aged And Older Workers Psychological Contract Theory Career Development Space
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3研究方法与技术路线 2
2企业中老年员工满意度现状分析 2
2.1中老年员工工作环境感知 2
2.2职业发展机会评估 2
2.3工作与生活平衡状况 3
3影响中老年员工满意度的关键因素 4
3.1经济待遇与福利保障 4
3.2社交需求与团队氛围 4
3.3个人价值实现程度 5
4提升中老年员工满意度的路径探索 6
4.1完善职业发展规划 6
4.2优化工作环境建设 6
4.3强化人文关怀措施 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10