
摘  要

会计政策选择与盈余管理动机是财务领域的重要研究课题,随着资本市场发展和监管要求提高,企业会计政策运用的灵活性引发广泛关注。本文旨在探讨不同会计政策选择背后的盈余管理动机及其经济后果,通过构建理论模型并结合实证分析,选取2010 - 2020年沪深两市A股上市公司为样本,采用多元回归方法检验了会计政策选择与盈余管理之间的关系。研究发现,企业在面临业绩压力时更倾向于选择能调节利润的会计政策,且这种选择具有明显的行业特征和规模效应。创新之处在于首次将管理层持股比例纳入分析框架,揭示了股权激励对会计政策选择的影响机制。研究结果表明,适度的盈余管理有助于企业价值提升,但过度操纵则会损害市场信心。本研究为完善会计准则制定提供了理论依据,也为监管部门防范财务舞弊风险提供了实证支持,同时为企业优化内部治理结构、规范会计行为提供了有益参考。



The selection of accounting policies and earnings management motives are significant research topics in the field of finance. With the development of capital markets and the increasing regulatory requirements, the flexibility in the application of corporate accounting policies has attracted considerable attention. This study aims to explore the earnings management motives behind different accounting policy choices and their economic consequences. By constructing a theoretical model and combining it with empirical analysis, this research selects A-share listed companies on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges from 2010 to 2020 as samples, employing multiple regression methods to examine the relationship between accounting policy choice and earnings management. The findings indicate that firms under performance pressure tend to opt for accounting policies that can adjust profits, and this choice exhibits distinct industry characteristics and scale effects. An innovative aspect of this study is the inclusion of managerial ownership ratio in the analytical fr amework, revealing the influence mechanism of equity incentives on accounting policy choices. The results suggest that moderate earnings management can enhance corporate value, while excessive manipulation may undermine market confidence. This research provides theoretical support for refining accounting standards and offers empirical evidence for regulators to prevent financial fraud risks. It also provides valuable references for enterprises to optimize internal governance structures and standardize accounting practices.

Keywords: Accounting Policy Choice;Earnings Management Motive;Performance Pressure;Management Shareholding Ratio;Economic Consequences

目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
引言 1
一、会计政策选择的理论基础 1
(一)会计政策选择的概念界定 1
(二)会计政策选择的影响因素 2
(三)会计政策选择的理论框架 2
二、盈余管理动机的形成机制 3
(一)盈余管理动机的来源分析 3
(二)盈余管理行为的经济后果 3
(三)盈余管理与公司治理的关系 3
三、会计政策选择与盈余管理的关联性 4
(一)会计政策选择对盈余管理的影响 4
(二)盈余管理对会计政策选择的反馈 4
(三)二者的相互作用机制 5
四、案例分析与实证研究 5
(一)典型企业案例剖析 5
(二)实证研究方法设计 6
(三)研究结果与讨论 6
结  论 7
致  谢 8
参考文献 9
