
摘  要:博尔赫斯作为20世纪最具影响力的作家之一,其小说创作蕴含着浓厚的玄学色彩,这不仅体现了作家对人类存在本质的深刻思考,也反映了文学与哲学交融的独特魅力。本研究旨在探讨博尔赫斯小说中玄学元素的具体表现及其意义,通过文本细读与比较分析的方法,深入剖析《小径分岔的花园》《阿莱夫》等代表性作品中的时间、空间、无限性等哲学命题,揭示作者如何运用迷宫、镜子、图书馆等意象构建起一个充满悖论与可能性的虚构世界。研究表明,博尔赫斯的小说在形式上突破了传统叙事模式,在内容上融合了东方哲学、犹太神秘主义等多种思想资源,创造出一种独特的“元小说”风格。

Abstract: As one of the most influential writers in the 20th century, Borges's novel creation contains a strong me taphysical color, which not only reflects the writer&;s profound thinking on the nature of human existence, but also reflects the unique charm of the integration of literature and philosophy. This study aims to explore the desc ription of me taphysical elements and its meaning, through the text reading and comparative analysis method, analyzes the path bifurcated garden, and other representative works of time, space, infinity, reveals how the author use the maze, mirror, library image build a fictional world full of paradox and possibilities. The research shows that Borges&;s novels break through the traditional narrative mode in form, and integrate various ideological resources such as Oriental philosophy and Jewish mysticism in content, to create a unique "me ta-fiction" style.
Keywords:Borges; me taphysical elements; time and space reconstruction

目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
前言 2
一、博尔赫斯小说中的时间观念 2
(一)时间的循环与永恒 2
(二)瞬间与永恒的交织 3
(三)时间的多维性呈现 3
二、迷宫意象与存在之谜 4
(一)迷宫的空间隐喻 4
(二)存在的不确定状态 5
(三)迷宫中的自我探寻 5
三、语言的边界与无限 6
(一)语言的有限性挑战 6
(二)言说与不可言说之间 6
(三)语言构建的虚拟世界 7
四、现实与虚构的交融 7
(一)现实世界的虚幻化 7
(二)虚构中的真实元素 8
(三)现实与虚构的界限模糊 9
五、结论 9
参考文献 11