
摘  要

随着农业现代化进程的推进,农业机械化作业规模不断扩大,但其带来的能源消耗与环境污染问题日益凸显。为实现农业可持续发展,本研究聚焦于农业机械化作业中的节能减排技术。通过文献综述、实地调研和实验分析相结合的方法,系统探讨了农机装备优化配置、智能控制技术应用及新能源动力替代等关键环节。研究表明,在传统农机基础上引入智能化管理系统可使燃油效率提高15% - 20%,采用新型节能型拖拉机比传统机型能耗降低约25%,利用太阳能辅助驱动设备能减少碳排放30%以上。研究创新性地提出了基于物联网的农机远程监控与调度平台,实现了精准作业与资源高效利用的有机统一,为构建绿色低碳农业提供了理论依据和技术支持,对推动我国农业机械化向节能环保方向转型升级具有重要意义。



As the process of agricultural modernization advances, the scale of agricultural mechanization operations has continuously expanded, yet the associated issues of energy consumption and environmental pollution have become increasingly prominent. To achieve sustainable agricultural development, this study focuses on energy-saving and emission-reduction technologies in agricultural mechanization. By integrating literature reviews, field surveys, and experimental analyses, this research systematically explores critical aspects such as the optimal configuration of agricultural machinery, the application of intelligent control technologies, and the substitution of new energy power sources. The findings indicate that introducing intelligent management systems to traditional agricultural machinery can improve fuel efficiency by 15% to 20%, while the adoption of new energy-saving tractors reduces energy consumption by approximately 25% compared to conventional models. Utilizing solar-assisted drive equipment can decrease carbon emissions by more than 30%. Innovatively, this study proposes an Internet of Things (IoT)-based remote monitoring and scheduling platform for agricultural machinery, achieving an organic integration of precise operations and efficient resource utilization. This provides theoretical foundations and technical support for establishing green and low-carbon agriculture, significantly contributing to the transformation and upgrading of China's agricultural mechanization towards energy conservation and environmental protection.

KEY WORDS:Agricultural Mechanization;Energy Saving And Emission Reduction Technology;Intelligent Control

目  录
摘  要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 农业机械化节能减排背景意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状综述 1
1.3 本文研究方法与结构安排 1
第二章 农机作业能耗分析 3
2.1 农机作业能耗构成要素 3
2.2 不同作业环节能耗特征 3
2.3 能耗影响因素量化分析 4
第三章 节能减排技术应用 5
3.1 新型节能农机装备 5
3.2 精准农业技术应用 5
3.3 农机作业优化模式 6
第四章 环境效益评估体系 7
4.1 农机排放监测方法 7
4.2 环境影响评价指标 7
4.3 减排效果综合评估 8
结  论 9
参考文献 10
致  谢 11