
摘    要


关键词:网络蜜罐技术  局域网安全  主动防御

  With the increasingly complex means of cyber attacks, the traditional security protection measures are facing severe challenges. As the core area of information flow between enterprises and institutions, the security of LAN is of vital importance. This study focuses on the deployment and effect evaluation of network honeypot technology in LAN security defense, aiming to enhance the security protection capability of LAN by introducing the concept of active defense. For this purpose, using the method of combining theoretical analysis and empirical research, the technical principle of network honey pot is first deeply analyzed, including the functional characteristics and applicable scenarios of different types of honey pot; then, the typical LAN environment is selected to build the experimental platform to deploy the honey pot system with high interactivity, low interactivity and distributed modes to simulate the real network attack situation and collect and analyze the intrusion data.

Keyword:Network Honeypot Technology  Local Area Network Security  Active Defense

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1网络蜜罐技术研究背景与意义 1
1.2局域网安全防御现状分析 1
1.3本文研究方法概述 1
2网络蜜罐技术原理与分类 2
2.1蜜罐技术基本原理 2
2.2蜜罐技术主要类型 2
2.3不同类型蜜罐适用场景 3
3局域网中蜜罐部署方案设计 4
3.1部署环境需求分析 4
3.2蜜罐系统架构设计 4
3.3关键技术实现路径 5
4蜜罐技术效果评估体系构建 6
4.1评估指标体系建立 6
4.2数据采集与分析方法 6
4.3效果评估结果讨论 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10




