
摘    要


关键词:跨局域网数据传输  非对称加密  身份认证

  With the rapid development of information technology, the demand for data transmission across LAN is increasing, but the secure transmission of data in different network environments faces many challenges. To this end, this study aims to design and implement a secure data transmission protocol applicable to cross-LAN environments to ensure the security, integrity, and confidentiality of data transmission. Based on the research of existing secure transport protocols, a new protocol fr amework combines multi-layer encryption mechanism and identity authentication technology. This protocol adopts asymmetric encryption algorithm to ensure the security of data transmission process, and introduces the authentication system based on digital certificates to effectively prevent illegal access and data tampering. By building a simulated cross-LAN environment, the results show that the new protocol can significantly improve the security of data transmission, and also perform well in transmission efficiency. The average delay time is about 20% lower than the traditional protocol, and the packet loss rate is more than 30% lower. In addition, the protocol has good compatibility and scalability, and can adapt to a variety of network architectures.

Keyword:Cross-Lan Data Transmission  Asymmetric Encryption  Identity Authentication

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3研究方法与技术路线 2
2跨局域网数据传输需求分析 2
2.1数据传输的安全性需求 2
2.2数据传输的效率需求 2
2.3数据传输的可靠性需求 2
3安全传输协议设计 3
3.1协议架构设计 3
3.2加密算法选择与实现 3
3.3身份认证机制设计 4
4协议实现与测试评估 5
4.1实现环境搭建 5
4.2功能测试与分析 6
4.3性能测试与优化 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 9