摘 要
Research on perfecting capital reduction system in Company law revision
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With the development of the market economy and the urgent need of optimizing the business environment, the capital reduction system in the current company law has exposed many deficiencies. In order to solve the problems existing in practice and adapt to the new requirements of economic development, this paper focuses on the improvement of capital reduction system in the revision of Company law. In-depth analysis of the existing capital reduction procedures in creditor protection, shareholder equity balance and administrative approval process and other defects. The current capital reduction system lacks an effective balance between flexibility and security, which is difficult to meet the actual needs of different types of enterprises. Therefore, this paper proposes to build a differentiated capital reduction rule system, introduce simple capital reduction procedures to improve efficiency, and strengthen the information disclosure mechanism to ensure that the interests of creditors are not harmed. In addition, it is suggested to optimize the way of announcement and shorten the period of announcement, simplify unnecessary administrative review links, and give enterprises more autonomy. Through the above reform measures, it can not only improve the operation efficiency of enterprises, but also enhance the vitality of the market, promote the healthy development of economy and society, and provide theoretical support and practical guidance for the improvement of China's corporate capital system.
Keywords: Company Capital System;Capital Reduction System;Creditor Protection
目 录
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景与意义 1
(二)国内外研究现状 1
二、减资制度的理论基础 2
(一)减资制度的概念界定 2
(二)减资的法律属性分析 2
(三)减资制度的价值取向 3
三、现行减资制度的问题剖析 3
(一)减资程序的繁琐性 3
(二)债权人保护机制的不足 4
(三)股东权益保障的缺失 5
四、完善减资制度的建议 5
(一)优化减资程序设计 5
(二)强化债权人保护措施 6
(三)完善股东权益保障机制 7
结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 9