
摘  要



The legal basis and judicial application of the clauses on heavier punishment for bribery


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  With the development of economy and society, bribery crime presents new characteristics, and traditional punishment is difficult to effectively curb such crimes. In order to realize effective supervision of public power and maintain social fairness and justice, it is necessary to deeply study the legal basis and judicial application of heavier punishment. This paper aims to explore the theoretical support behind the heavier punishment clause for bribery crime and its specific application in judicial practice, analyze the relevant legislation and judicial interpretation at home and abroad, and summarize the core meaning of the clause. Heavier punishment not only conforms to the principle of adapting crime to punishment, but also reflects the concept of combining special prevention with general prevention, which can effectively deter potential criminals. Through the combing of a large number of judicial cases, it is found that there are problems such as inconsistent identification standards in actual operation, so it puts forward suggestions to improve, such as clarifying the definition of "serious circumstances" and refining the consideration factors of sentencing circumstances. This paper innovatively combines criminal law theory and judicial practice closely, provides a useful reference for constructing a more scientific and reasonable system of heavier punishment for bribery crime, helps to promote the process of criminal rule of law construction in our country, strengthens the guarantee mechanism for the integrity of public officials, and promotes the improvement of social atmosphere.

Keywords: A heavier punishment for bribery; The principle of compatibility between crime, responsibility and punishment; Judicial application

目  录

引言 1

一、行贿罪从重处罚的法理基础 1

(一)行贿罪的社会危害性分析 1

(二)从重处罚的刑法理论依据 1

二、从重处罚条款的构成要件 2

(一)行贿行为的认定标准 2

(二)情节严重的界定方法 3

(三)量刑情节的具体考量 3

三、司法实践中从重处罚的适用 4

(一)典型案例的实证分析 4

(二)司法解释与指导性文件 4

(三)从重处罚的实际效果评估 5

四、完善从重处罚制度的建议 5

(一)立法层面的优化路径 6

(二)司法实践中的改进措施 6

(三)社会综合治理的配套机制 7

结论 7

参考文献 9

致谢 9

