摘 要
As an important food and cash crop, the yield of sorghum is affected by many factors, among which planting density is one of the key factors. In order to explore the effects of different planting densities on sorghum yield, three representative sorghum varieties were selected in this study, and five different planting density treatments were set up in the same experimental field, namely 30,000 plants /hm², 45,000 plants /hm², 60,000 plants /hm², 75,000 plants /hm² and 90,000 plants /hm². Each treatment was repeated three times. Agronomic traits, biomass accumulation and final yield were recorded systematically through two years of field experiments. The results showed that with the increase of planting density, the biomass of sorghum per plant decreased, but the biomass of population increased gradually. In a certain range, the yield increases with the increase of planting density, but decreases when the optimum density is exceeded. The response of different varieties to planting density was different. Variety A reached the highest yield at 60,000 plants /hm², while variety B and C reached the highest yield at 45,000 plants /hm² and 75,000 plants /hm², respectively. This study innovatively compared and analyzed the adaptability of multiple varieties to different planting densities under the same environmental conditions, providing a scientific basis for optimizing planting patterns of sorghum, and helping to guide farmers to adjust planting densities reasonably to achieve high and stable yields.
KEY WORDS:Sorghum yield; Planting density; Variety difference
目 录
摘 要 1
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
第2章 种植密度对高粱生长的影响 2
2.1 植株高度变化分析 2
2.2 叶面积指数响应 2
2.3 根系发育特征 3
第3章 种植密度对高粱产量构成要素的影响 4
3.1 单位面积穗数变化 4
3.2 穗粒数的响应规律 4
3.3 千粒重的变化趋势 5
第4章 种植密度与资源利用效率的关系 6
4.1 光能利用率分析 6
4.2 水分利用效率 6
4.3 肥料吸收效率 7
第5章 结论 8
参考文献 9
致 谢 10