
摘    要


关键词:情感化设计  视觉传达  用户体验

  With the development of modern society, the importance of visual communication design in information transmission and user experience has become increasingly prominent. As a design philosophy that integrates emotional factors into visual communication, emotional design plays an indispensable role in enhancing users' emotional experiences and improving the effectiveness of information dissemination. This study aims to explore the application and value of emotional design in visual communication by reviewing its theoretical foundations and historical development through literature research, and by conducting an in-depth analysis of its specific applications across different fields using case studies. The findings indicate that emotional design can imbue works with warmth at the level of visual elements, evoking emotional resonance among audiences as they receive information; in brand image construction, it helps to build a unique and approachable brand personality, thereby increasing brand loyalty; in the field of interaction design, it can optimize user experience and increase user retention. The innovation lies in transcending the traditional limitations of functional emphasis in visual communication, highlighting user-centered emotional care, and infusing new vitality into visual communication design. The main contribution is to provide designers with a new design philosophy and methodological guidance, promoting the transformation of visual communication design from mere information transmission to emotional interaction, achieving a perfect integration of art and technology, rationality and sensibility, and advancing the development of visual communication design towards a more humanized and diversified direction.

Keyword:Emotional Design  Visual Communication  User Experience

目  录
引言    1
1情感化设计的理论基础    1
1.1情感化设计的概念界定    1
1.2视觉传达中的情感要素    2
1.3情感化设计的心理学依据    2
2情感化设计在视觉传达中的表现形式    3
2.1视觉元素的情感表达    3
2.2色彩在情感传递中的作用    3
2.3图形与情感的关联构建    4
3情感化设计在视觉传达中的应用领域    4
3.1广告设计中的情感策略    4
3.2包装设计的情感化实践    5
3.3数字媒体中的情感体验    5
4情感化设计的价值评估与未来展望    6
4.1用户情感反应的测量方法    6
4.2情感化设计的商业价值分析    6
4.3情感化设计的发展趋势预测    7
结论    7
参考文献    9
致谢    10



