

摘    要


关键词:超声波强化萃取  天然产物提取  工艺优化

As an emerging green extraction method, ultrasonic enhanced extraction technology has shown significant advantages in the field of active ingredient extraction of natural products. This paper discusses the application potential and optimization strategy of ultrasonic enhanced extraction in natural product extraction with low efficiency, high energy consumption and high solvent dosage. By designing orthogonal experiments, the influence of key parameters such as ultrasonic power, extraction time, material-liquid ratio and solvent concentration on the target component yield is investigated, and the optimal process conditions are established. The results show that ultrasound-assisted extraction can reduce the extraction time by 40% to 60%, reduce the solvent dosage by 30% to 50%, and improve the target composition yield by 15% to 25% compared with the conventional thermal reflux method. Meanwhile, SEM and infrared spectroscopy were used to reveal the mechanism of cell wall structure change caused by ultrasonic cavitation effect, and to clarify the mechanism of the enhanced mass transfer process. The innovation point of this study is the first application of response surface analysis to the optimization of ultrasonic extraction process, and the establishment of an evaluation system based on energy efficiency. 

Keyword: Ultrasonic enhanced extraction  natural product extraction  process optimization

目    录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2天然产物提取领域研究现状 1
2超声波强化萃取机理分析 1
2.1超声波空化效应及其作用机制 2
2.2超声波对细胞壁的破坏机理 2
2.3超声波强化传质过程分析 3
3超声波萃取工艺参数优化研究 3
3.1超声功率对提取效率的影响 3
3.2超声时间与温度的参数优化 4
3.3溶剂选择与料液比的优化策略 5
4典型天然产物的超声波提取应用研究 5
4.1植物活性成分的超声波提取工艺 5
4.2海洋生物活性物质的提取应用 6
4.3微生物代谢产物的提取效果评估 6
5结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 9




