摘 要
Discussion on the differentiated teaching mode of primary school mathematics classroom
With the deepening of basic education reform, primary school mathematics teaching is faced with the practical challenges of significant individual differences among students and diversified learning needs. Based on the constructivism learning theory and the most recent development zone theory, the differentiated teaching model of primary school mathematics classroom is systematically discussed. The study selected two parallel classes in the fourth grade of a primary school as experimental ob jects. Through one semester of teaching practice, a differentiated teaching mode including pre-class diagnosis, hierarchical goal setting, differentiated task design, dynamic grouping and multiple evaluation was constructed. The study found that this model can effectively improve students' interest and participation in learning, and the math performance of students in the experimental class increased by 12.5% compared than that of the control class, and the progress of underachieving students is particularly significant. At the same time, teachers' teaching design ability and classroom management ability have been significantly improved. The innovation point of this study is the deep integration of differentiated teaching with the characteristics of primary school mathematics, and the design of operational implementation strategy and evaluation system. The results show that the differentiated teaching mode based on students' cognitive level and learning style can promote each student to achieve the maximum development on the original basis, and provide new ideas and practical examples for the reform of primary school mathematics classroom teaching.
Keywords: Elementary Mathematics; Differentiated Instruction; Constructivism; Zone of Proximal Development; Action Research
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 IV
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景和意义 1
(二)国内外研究现状分析 1
二、小学数学课堂差异化教学的理论基础 3
(一)差异化教学的概念界定 3
(二)小学生数学学习特点分析 3
(三)差异化教学的理论依据 4
(四)小学数学课堂实施差异化的必要性 5
三、小学数学课堂差异化教学模式的构建 7
(一)学生分层策略与方法 7
(二)教学目标与内容的差异化设计 7
(三)教学方法与手段的多样化运用 8
(四)评价体系的个性化构建 9
四、小学数学课堂差异化教学的实施策略 11
(一)课前准备阶段的差异化设计 11
(二)课堂教学中的差异化实施路径 12
(三)课后辅导的个性化方案制定 12
(四)教师专业发展支持体系构建 13
五、结论 15
参考文献 16
致 谢 17
摘 要
Discussion on the differentiated teaching mode of primary school mathematics classroom
With the deepening of basic education reform, primary school mathematics teaching is faced with the practical challenges of significant individual differences among students and diversified learning needs. Based on the constructivism learning theory and the most recent development zone theory, the differentiated teaching model of primary school mathematics classroom is systematically discussed. The study selected two parallel classes in the fourth grade of a primary school as experimental ob jects. Through one semester of teaching practice, a differentiated teaching mode including pre-class diagnosis, hierarchical goal setting, differentiated task design, dynamic grouping and multiple evaluation was constructed. The study found that this model can effectively improve students' interest and participation in learning, and the math performance of students in the experimental class increased by 12.5% compared than that of the control class, and the progress of underachieving students is particularly significant. At the same time, teachers' teaching design ability and classroom management ability have been significantly improved. The innovation point of this study is the deep integration of differentiated teaching with the characteristics of primary school mathematics, and the design of operational implementation strategy and evaluation system. The results show that the differentiated teaching mode based on students' cognitive level and learning style can promote each student to achieve the maximum development on the original basis, and provide new ideas and practical examples for the reform of primary school mathematics classroom teaching.
Keywords: Elementary Mathematics; Differentiated Instruction; Constructivism; Zone of Proximal Development; Action Research
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 IV
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景和意义 1
(二)国内外研究现状分析 1
二、小学数学课堂差异化教学的理论基础 3
(一)差异化教学的概念界定 3
(二)小学生数学学习特点分析 3
(三)差异化教学的理论依据 4
(四)小学数学课堂实施差异化的必要性 5
三、小学数学课堂差异化教学模式的构建 7
(一)学生分层策略与方法 7
(二)教学目标与内容的差异化设计 7
(三)教学方法与手段的多样化运用 8
(四)评价体系的个性化构建 9
四、小学数学课堂差异化教学的实施策略 11
(一)课前准备阶段的差异化设计 11
(二)课堂教学中的差异化实施路径 12
(三)课后辅导的个性化方案制定 12
(四)教师专业发展支持体系构建 13
五、结论 15
参考文献 16
致 谢 17