
摘  要

Analysis of the mathematical thinking cultivation mode of primary school students 
This research focuses on the construction and practice of the mathematical thinking training mode of primary school students, and carries out systematic research on the problems in the current primary school mathematics education, such as the development of knowledge teaching over thinking, and the single teaching method. Through literature analysis, classroom observation and action research, the mathematical thinking cultivation mode of "situation-question-inquiry-reflection" is constructed. The study found that this model can effectively stimulate students' interest in mathematics learning, and improve their logical reasoning, spatial imagination and problem solving abilities. The research innovatively integrated the me tacognitive strategy into the cultivation process of mathematical thinking, designed the inquiry learning task based on the real situation, and developed a supporting evaluation index system. The practice shows that the performance of the students in the experimental class is significantly better in the mathematical thinking ability test is significantly better than that in the control class, especially in the creative thinking and critical thinking. The study also found that the teacher's guidance method and the quality of classroom questioning are the key factors affecting the implementation effect of the model. This study provides new ideas and methodological guidance for the reform of primary school mathematics teaching, and has important theoretical value and practical significance for promoting the development of primary school mathematics core literacy. 
Keywords: Cultivation Of Mathematical Thinking; Situational Teaching; Inquiry-Based Learning; me tacognitive Strategies; Primary School Mathematics Education 

目 录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
目 录 IV
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景和意义 1
(二)国内外研究现状 1
二、小学生数学思维培养的理论基础 2
(一)数学思维的内涵与特征 2
(二)小学生认知发展特点分析 2
(三)数学思维培养的理论依据 3
三、小学生数学思维培养现状分析 5
(一)当前小学数学教学存在的问题 5
(二)学生数学思维能力发展现状 6
(三)教师教学理念与方法调查 6
四、小学生数学思维培养模式构建 8
(一)基于问题解决的思维训练模式 8
(二)情境创设与思维激发策略 8
(三)多元评价体系的建立与应用 9
五、小学生数学思维培养实践 11
(一)实验设计与实施过程 11
(二)教学效果分析与评估 11
(三)典型案例分析与启示 12
六、结论 14
参考文献 15
致  谢 16
