范文独享 售后即删 个人专属 避免雷同




With the increasingly severe global energy crisis and the increasing demand for building energy conservation, the performance evaluation of building external wall insulation system is particularly important as an important means to improve building energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption. The purpose of this paper is to comprehensively analyze the performance indexes of building external wall insulation system, including thermal insulation performance, durability, safety and environmental protection, in order to provide scientific basis for building design and construction. In this paper, the key parameters of thermal conductivity, heat storage coefficient and heat transfer coefficient of thermal insulation materials are deeply discussed, which directly determine the thermal insulation effect of the thermal insulation system. By comparing and analyzing the thermal insulation performance of different thermal insulation materials (such as EPS polystyrene board, rubber powder polystyrene particles, composite perfusion polyurethane rigid foam, etc.), it is found that polyurethane material has the best performance in thermal insulation. At the same time, this paper also uses Ansys and other simulation software to simulate the heat transfer effect of different insulation systems, and further verifies the accuracy of the experimental results. According to the durability of external wall insulation system, this paper carried out large-scale weather resistance test, and studied the bond strength of different insulation systems under extreme weather conditions. The test results show that although the initial bond strength of the composite perfusion polyurethane rigid foam external insulation system is small, its downward trend is the most gentle, and the impact of climate and temperature changes is the least. Therefore, from the perspective of long-term use, the system has higher durability. This paper also pays attention to the safety and environmental protection of external wall insulation system. By testing the compressive strength, tensile strength, shear strength and water absorption of the material, the adhesive force between the insulation layer and the wall and the stability of the material in long-term use were evaluated. At the same time, the content of harmful substances in the insulation materials is tested to ensure that the materials meet the environmental requirements and ensure the health and safety of occupants. In this paper, the performance index of external wall insulation system is evaluated systematically, which provides a valuable reference for architectural design and construction. In the future, with the continuous development of building energy-saving technology, the performance evaluation of external wall insulation system will pay more attention to the improvement of comprehensive performance and the satisfaction of environmental protection requirements.

Key words: external wall insulation system; Thermal insulation performance; durability

一、绪论 4
1.1 研究背景 4
1.2 研究目的及意义 4
1.3 国内外研究现状 4
二、外墙保温系统概述 5
2.1 保温系统的类型与组成 5
2.2 保温材料的性能 5
2.3 施工工艺与质量控制 5
三、外墙保温系统性能影响因素 6
3.1 材料因素 6
3.1.1 材料的热工性能 6
3.1.2 材料的物理与化学稳定性 6
3.2 构造因素 7
3.2.1 保温层的结构布局 7
3.2.2 锚固与连接方式 7
3.3 环境因素 8
3.3.1 气候条件的影响 8
3.3.2 使用环境对性能的影响 8
3.4 人为因素 9
3.4.1 施工质量的影响 9
3.4.2 维护保养的影响 9
四、外墙保温系统性能评估方法 10
4.1 热工性能评估 10
4.1.1 传热系数的测定 10
4.1.2 热工性能的理论计算 10
4.2 结构性能评估 11
4.2.1 结构完整性检测 11
4.2.2 抗压强度与抗折强度测试 11
4.3 耐久性评估 11
4.3.1 老化性能试验 11
4.3.2 耐候性能评估 12
4.4 环境影响评估 12
4.4.1 生态足迹分析 12
4.4.2 生命周期评估(LCA) 13
五、外墙保温系统性能评估案例研究 13
5.1 项目选取与评估目的 13
5.1.1 选取标准及案例介绍 13
5.1.2 评估目标与指标体系 13
5.2 性能测试与数据分析 14
5.2.1 现场测试方法与步骤 14
5.2.2 数据收集与分析方法 14
5.3 评估结果与讨论 15
5.3.1 结果呈现与对比分析 15
5.3.2 结果讨论与问题识别 15
5.4 改进措施与建议 16
5.4.1 针对性改进措施提出 16
5.4.2 对未来工程的建议 16
六、结论 16
参考文献 18



