





This paper systematically studies the multi-dimensional influence of tax competition on the upgrading of regional industrial structure. Under the background of globalization and regional economic integration, tax competition has become an important means for local governments to attract investment and promote economic development. This paper firstly expounds the positive promoting effect of tax competition on the upgrading of regional industrial structure by guiding capital flow and industrial investment, encouraging technological innovation and industrial upgrading, optimizing resource allocation and improving market competition efficiency. However, this paper also reveals the problems existing in the process of tax competition, such as the waste of resources and industrial homogenization caused by excessive competition, the distortion of resource allocation caused by the selectivity of tax preferential policies, the potential suppression of technological innovation and R&D investment, and the further aggravation of inter-regional development imbalance. In order to deal with these problems, this paper puts forward a series of targeted policy recommendations. Suggestions include strengthening policy coordination and supervision, building a level playing field and preventing excessive competition; Optimize preferential tax policies, promote the balanced allocation of resources, and reduce the burden on enterprises; By designing preferential tax policies for innovative enterprises, optimizing R&D investment deduction policies, and building tax incentive systems for technology transfer and industrialization, technological innovation and R&D investment are encouraged to enhance industrial competitiveness; At the same time, promote inter-regional cooperation and coordinated development, narrow economic gaps, and achieve common regional economic development. To sum up, this study not only enrichis the theoretical discussion on the relationship between tax competition and regional industrial structure upgrading, but also provides practical guidance for policy makers, aiming to promote a more healthy, efficient and sustainable upgrading of regional industrial structure by optimizing the tax competition environment.

Key words: Tax competition; Regional industrial structure upgrading; Capital flows; Technological innovation; Resource allocation


一、绪论 2
1.1 研究背景 2
1.2 研究目的及意义 2
二、税收竞争对区域产业结构升级的影响机制分析 2
2.1 资本流动与产业投资引导机制 2
2.2 技术创新与产业升级激励机制 3
2.3 资源配置优化与产业结构合理化机制 3
2.4 市场竞争与产业效率提升机制 4
三、税收竞争在促进区域产业结构升级中存在的问题 4
3.1 过度竞争导致的资源浪费与产业同质化 4
3.2 税收优惠政策的选择性导致资源配置扭曲 4
3.3 抑制技术创新与研发投入 5
3.4 加剧了区域间的不平衡发展 5
四、税收竞争对区域产业结构升级的政策建议 6
4.1 加强政策协调与监管,避免过度竞争 6
4.1.1 明确税收政策导向,构建公平竞争环境 6
4.1.2 强化区域间政策协调,实现互利共赢 6
4.1.3 设立监管机构,严格监控税收竞争行为 7
4.2 优化税收优惠政策,促进资源均衡配置 7
4.2.1 制定普惠性税收优惠政策,降低企业负担 7
4.2.2 强化税收政策的透明度与可预测性 7
4.2.3 建立健全税收优惠政策评估体系,确保政策效果 8
4.3 激励技术创新与研发投入,提升产业竞争力 8
4.3.1 创新型企业税收优惠政策设计与实施 8
4.3.2 研发投入加计扣除政策的优化与扩围 8
4.3.3 构建技术转移与产业化税收激励体系 9
4.4 促进区域间合作与协调发展,缩小经济差距 9
4.4.1 加强区域间税收政策的协同与合作 9
4.4.2 推动产业梯度转移与区域经济合作 9
4.4.3 建立区域协调发展基金,促进经济平衡 10
五、结论 10
参考文献 11



