




With the booming development of e-commerce, e-commerce logistics, as an important part supporting its efficient operation, has increasingly become a focus of attention in its "last mile" delivery process. This link is directly related to customer satisfaction, logistics efficiency and cost, as well as the coordinated development of e-commerce and logistics industries. However, the current "last mile" delivery of e-commerce logistics faces many challenges, such as high delivery costs, low efficiency, poor customer experience, and safety and stability issues, which seriously restrict the further development of e-commerce logistics. This article provides an overview of the basic theories of e-commerce logistics, distribution theory and technology, as well as customer behavior and service quality theory. Subsequently, an in-depth analysis was conducted on the importance of "last mile" delivery in e-commerce logistics, including improving customer satisfaction and loyalty, optimizing logistics efficiency and costs, and promoting the coordinated development of e-commerce and logistics industries. Next, this article explores in detail the challenges faced by e-commerce logistics in the "last mile" delivery, including high delivery costs, low efficiency, poor customer experience, and safety and stability issues, and provides specific analysis for each problem. Finally, this article proposes corresponding solutions, including reducing delivery costs, improving delivery efficiency, enhancing customer experience, and strengthening delivery safety and stability. The aim is to provide practical guidance and theoretical support for the e-commerce logistics industry, and promote effective solutions to the "last mile" delivery problem in e-commerce logistics.

Keywords: e-commerce logistics; The last kilometer; Delivery cost

一、绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究目的和内容 2
二、相关理论概述 2
2.1 电商物流基础理论 2
2.2 配送理论与技术 2
2.3 顾客行为与服务质量理论 3
三、“最后一公里”配送的重要性 3
3.1 提升顾客满意度与忠诚度 3
3.2 优化电商物流效率与成本 3
3.3 促进电商行业与物流业的协同发展 4
四、电商物流“最后一公里”配送难题 4
4.1 配送成本高企 4
4.1.1 人工成本上升 4
4.1.2 配送距离与时间的矛盾 4
4.2 配送效率低下 5
4.2.1 配送路线规划不合理 5
4.2.2 配送信息系统不完善 5
4.3 顾客体验不佳 5
4.3.1 配送时间不准确 5
4.3.2 配送服务缺乏个性化 5
4.4 配送安全与稳定性问题 6
4.4.1 商品损坏与丢失风险 6
4.4.2 恶劣天气与交通拥堵影响 6
五、电商物流“最后一公里”配送难题的对策 6
5.1 降低配送成本 6
5.1.1 引入智能配送机器人与无人机 6
5.1.2 优化配送网络布局与资源共享 7
5.2 提升配送效率 7
5.2.1 应用大数据与AI技术优化配送路线 7
5.2.2 升级配送信息系统实现实时监控与调度 7
5.3 改善顾客体验 7
5.3.1 提供多样化的配送时间选项 7
5.3.2 实施个性化配送服务与增值服务 8
5.4 增强配送安全与稳定性 8
5.4.1 加强商品包装与运输保护 8
5.4.2 建立应急响应机制应对突发情况 9
六、结论 9
参考文献 9




