
摘  要

Analysis and strategy research of primary school mathematics word problems teaching 
This study makes an in-depth analysis of word problems teaching in mathematics in primary schools, discusses the influence of learning theory on word problems teaching from the perspective of educational psychology, and analyzes the psychological process of students' understanding, analysis and application. At the same time, combined with the primary school mathematics curriculum standards, the important role and specific requirements of word problems teaching in mathematics education are clarified. This study reveals the problems in the current primary school mathematics word problems teaching in the textbook content and presentation methods, teaching methods and means, students 'learning and teachers' teaching. In view of these problems, this research puts forward strategies such as optimizing the content and presentation methods of teaching materials, innovating teaching methods and means, strengthening the cultivation of students 'reading comprehension ability and problem-solving strategies, and improving teachers' professional quality and teaching ability.
Keywords:Primary school mathematics; word problems teaching; teacher teaching; mathematical thinking ability

目 录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景及意义 1
(二)国内外研究现状 1
(三)研究目的和内容 2
二、相关理论基础 4
(一)教育心理学视角的应用题教学 4
(二)数学教育目标与应用题教学 4
三、小学数学应用题教学问题分析 6
(一)教材内容与呈现方式问题 6
(二)教学方法与手段问题 6
(三)学生学习问题 7
(四)教师教学问题 8
四、小学数学应用题教学策略研究 9
(一)优化教材内容与呈现方式 9
(二)创新教学方法与手段 10
(三)加强学生阅读理解能力与解题策略培养 10
(四)提升教师专业素养与教学能力 11
五、结论与展望 13
参考文献 14
致  谢 15
