
摘  要




In the context of rapid urbanization, urban sewage treatment has become a key task in maintaining ecological balance and promoting sustainable development. However, the large amount of sludge generated during the sewage treatment process has brought new environmental challenges. The harmful substances and high moisture content contained in sludge make it difficult and costly to treat, and improper treatment may also lead to secondary pollution. Therefore, exploring effective sludge reduction and resource utilization technologies is of great significance for improving sewage treatment efficiency and reducing environmental pollution. This study focuses on the technology of sludge reduction and resource utilization in urban sewage treatment plants, aiming to explore and optimize the sludge treatment process, and achieve dual improvement of environmental and economic benefits. Firstly, this study introduces the properties and classification of sludge, as well as the basic principles of reduction treatment, laying a theoretical foundation for subsequent technological applications. Subsequently, a detailed analysis was conducted on reduction technologies such as physical dehydration, chemical conditioning, freeze-drying, and thermal drying, and the environmental impact and application effects of resource utilization technologies such as sludge energy recovery, fertilizer utilization, and building materials utilization were explored in depth. Through the case analysis of a sewage treatment plant in a certain city, this study evaluated the problems and solutions of existing sludge treatment technologies, and proposed optimization measures. Finally, the research results of sludge reduction and resource utilization technologies were summarized, and suggestions for future development directions were proposed.

Keywords: sludge reduction; Resource utilization technology; Wastewater treatment; environmental effect

目  录

一、绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究目的 1

二、相关理论与技术综述 2

2.1 污泥的性质与分类 2

2.1.1 污泥的物理性质 2

2.1.2 化学成分与毒性 2

2.1.3 生物学特性 2

2.1.4 污泥的含水率与可压缩性 2

2.2 污泥减量化处理的基本原理 3

三、污泥减量化技术 3

3.1 物理脱水技术 3

3.2 化学调理与凝聚技术 4

3.3 冷冻干燥与热干化技术 4

3.4 微生物降解强化技术 4

四、污泥资源化技术研究 5

4.1 污泥能源回收技术 5

4.1.1 垃圾热解与气化技术 5

4.1.2 生物气生成与利用 5

4.1.3 污泥热电联产技术 5

4.2 污泥肥料化与建材化 6

4.2.1 污泥的有机质转化与肥料化 6

4.2.2 污泥的无害化处理与农田利用 6

4.2.3 污泥-生物质复合肥料的开发 6

4.3 污泥资源化过程中的环境影响 7

4.3.1 污泥资源化对土壤质量的影响 7

4.3.2 污泥中重金属与有害物质的环境迁移 7

4.3.3 污泥能源回收的温室气体排放分析 7

五、某城市污水处理厂案例分析 8

5.1 案例选择与基本情况 8

5.2 污泥处理现状的问题与解决措施 8

5.3 污泥减量化与资源化技术应用效果 9

六、城市污水处理厂污泥减量化与资源化技术的优化措施 9

6.1 污泥能源回收效率提升研究 9

6.2 有害物质去除与稳定化技术 10

6.3 污泥建材化技术的创新与应用 10

6.4 建立完善的污泥管理框架 10

6.5 制定适应新技术发展的标准体系 11

七、结论 11

参考文献 11





