
摘    要


Through in-depth study of the design and implementation of the smart campus card system, this paper expounds the basic concept of the card system, RFID technology principle, database technology and network communication technology. Then, a comprehensive analysis of the requirements of the smart campus one-card system, including functional requirements, performance requirements, user requirements and security requirements, has made clear the goal and direction of the system design. In the system design stage, this paper elaborated the system architecture design, database design, interface design, interface design and security design. Among them, the system architecture design includes the overall architecture, hardware architecture, software architecture and security architecture; the database design covers data model, database structure, data table design and data backup and recovery; the interface design focuses on user experience, including user interface and management interface; ensures the smooth interaction between the system and other systems; the security design ensures the safe and stable operation by means of encryption algorithm selection, authentication mechanism, authority control and logging. In the system implementation stage, this paper introduces the specific steps of hardware implementation, software implementation and security implementation. The hardware implementation includes card distribution and management, card reader deployment, network construction and hardware integration, software development, database implementation, interface integration and debugging, and security technology application, identity authentication process, access control strategy and security audit. This paper verifies the performance and function of the smart campus one-card system through the system test.

Key Words:Smart campus; One-card system; RFID technology 

目    录
摘    要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究目的与内容 1
第2章 相关技术概述 3
2.1 一卡通系统概念 3
2.2 RFID技术原理 3
2.3 数据库技术 4
2.4 网络通讯技术 5
第3章 智慧校园一卡通系统的需求分析 6
3.1 功能需求分析 6
3.1.1 门禁管理 6
3.1.2 消费支付 6
3.1.3 考勤记录 6
3.1.4 信息查询 6
3.2 性能需求分析 7
3.2.1 系统响应时间 7
3.2.2 数据准确性 7
3.2.3 系统稳定性 8
3.2.4 并发用户处理能力 8
3.3 用户需求分析 9
3.3.1 学生使用便捷性 9
3.3.2 教职工使用便捷性 9
3.3.3 管理人员操作便利性 10
3.3.4 系统交互体验 10
3.4 安全性需求分析 11
3.4.1 数据加密 11
3.4.2 身份认证 11
3.4.3 访问控制 11
3.4.4 审计跟踪 12
第4章 智慧校园一卡通系统的设计 13
4.1 系统架构设计 13
4.1.1 总体架构 13
4.1.2 硬件架构 14
4.1.3 软件架构 14
4.1.4 安全架构 15
4.2 数据库设计 15
4.2.1 数据模型 15
4.2.2 数据库结构 15
4.2.3 数据表设计 16
4.2.4 数据备份与恢复 16
4.3 界面设计 17
4.3.1 用户界面 17
4.3.2 管理界面 17
4.3.3 接口设计 17
4.3.4 用户体验设计 18
4.4 安全性设计 18
4.4.1 加密算法选择 18
4.4.2 认证机制 19
4.4.3 权限控制 19
4.4.4 日志记录 19
第5章 智慧校园一卡通系统的实现 21
5.1 硬件实现 21
5.1.1 卡片发行与管理 21
5.1.2 读卡器部署 21
5.1.3 网络建设 22
5.1.4 硬件集成 22
5.2 软件实现 23
5.2.1 系统软件开发 23
5.2.2 数据库实施 23
5.2.3 接口集成 24
5.2.4 调试 24
5.3 安全性实现 25
5.3.1 加密技术应用 25
5.3.2 身份认证流程 25
5.3.3 访问控制策略 25
5.3.4 安全审计 26
结    论 27
参考文献 28
致    谢 29



