
摘 要




Soil phosphorus is one of the essential nutrients for plant growth and has significant implications for agricultural production. The natural sources of soil phosphorus mainly include rock weathering, decomposition of animal and plant residues, etc. Its forms in soil mainly include organic phosphorus, inorganic phosphorus, available phosphorus, and phosphorus with different solubility. The effectiveness of soil phosphorus is influenced by various factors such as soil physicochemical properties, pH value, soil enzyme and microbial activities, and crop root exudates. Long term fertilization has a significant impact on soil phosphorus balance. Excessive fertilization leads to phosphorus accumulation and exceeding standards, which not only reduces phosphorus utilization efficiency, but also may cause soil degradation and compaction, affecting soil quality. Meanwhile, long-term fertilization may also lead to excessive heavy me tal levels and water pollution, posing a threat to the ecological environment and human health. In order to solve the problem of soil phosphorus profit and loss, a series of technical approaches need to be taken. Firstly, through efficient utilization technologies of phosphorus resources, such as rational fertilization and the use of slow-release phosphorus fertilizers, the loss and accumulation of phosphorus can be reduced. Secondly, the use of soil amendments can improve soil structure and enhance the effectiveness of soil phosphorus. In addition, by reducing the heavy me tal content in the soil and promoting water-saving irrigation techniques, the negative impact of phosphorus loss on the environment can be reduced. The comprehensive application of these technological approaches is of great significance for improving the effective utilization rate of soil phosphorus and promoting sustainable agricultural development.

Keywords: Soil phosphorus; Validity; Technical approach


摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究目的及内容 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
第2章 土壤磷素的基本特性 3
2.1 土壤中磷素的天然来源 3
2.2 土壤磷素的有效性 3
2.3 土壤中磷素的化学形态 4
2.3.1 有机磷 4
2.3.2 无机磷 4
2.3.3 有效磷 5
2.3.4 不同溶解度的磷 5
第3章 影响土壤磷素有效性的因素 6
3.1 土壤理化性质 6
3.2 土壤pH值 6
3.3 土壤酶及土壤微生物 6
3.4 作物根系分泌物 7
第4章 长期施肥对土壤磷素盈亏造成的影响 8
4.1 磷素累积与超标 8
4.2 土壤退化与板结 8
4.3 重金属超标 8
4.4 水体污染 9
第5章 解决土壤磷素盈亏问题的技术途径 10
5.1 磷素资源高效利用 10
5.2 使用土壤改良剂 10
5.3 降低土壤中重金属含量 11
5.4 推广节水灌溉技术 11
结 论 12
参考文献 13



