摘 要
With the rapid development of science and technology, the Internet has become an indispensable part of the daily life of primary school students. However, excessive dependence on the Internet has also caused the problem of Internet addiction among primary school students, which has had a serious impact on their physical and mental health and academic development. This paper aims to analyze the causes of Internet addiction in primary school students and propose corresponding intervention measures. This paper discusses the causes of Internet addiction among primary school students. The study found that weak self-control, poor family education environment, excessive academic pressure and insufficient Internet supervision are the main causes of Internet addiction among primary school students. Among them, weak self-control makes it difficult for students to resist the temptation of the Internet; poor family education environment may lead to the lack of correct network use guidance; excessive academic pressure makes students seek the Internet as a way to escape from reality; insufficient network supervision makes bad information easy to spread, which further aggravates the risk of Internet addiction. For these causes, this paper proposes a series of interventions. First of all, strengthen the cultivation of self-control ability of primary school students, through education and guide the ability of students to understand the harm of Internet addiction, and learn to allocate time reasonably. Secondly, to improve the family education environment, parents should become role models for their children, reasonably guide their children to use the Internet, and set clear family rules. At the same time, to reduce the academic pressure of primary school students, pay attention to cultivate their diversified development, and provide psychological support to cope with the pressure. Finally, strengthen network supervision, improve relevant laws and regulations, filter and screen bad information, establish a reporting mechanism, and jointly maintain the health of the network environment.
Keywords: Primary school students; Internet addiction; interventions
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究目的和内容 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
第2章 小学生网络成瘾相关概述 3
2.1 网络成瘾的概念界定 3
2.2 小学生网络成瘾现象的特点 3
2.2.1 耐受性增加 3
2.2.2 重复性 4
2.3 网络成瘾在小学生群体中的分布情况 4
2.3.1 年龄趋势 4
2.3.2 地域差异 5
第3章 网络成瘾对小学生的影响 6
3.1 学业成绩下降 6
3.2 身心健康受损 6
3.3 社交能力退化 6
第4章 小学生网络成瘾现象的成因 8
4.1 自我控制力弱 8
4.2 家庭教育环境不良 8
4.3 学业压力过大 8
4.4 网络监管不足 9
第5章 小学生网络成瘾现象的干预策略探讨 10
5.1 增强自我认知 10
5.2 建立良好家庭氛围 10
5.3 合理分配学习任务 11
5.4 严格网络监管 11
结 论 12
参考文献 13