




"The Scholars" is a realistic satirical novel written by Wu Jingzi, an outstanding novelist of the Qing Dynasty. By depicting the living conditions and spiritual outlook of numerous Confucian scholars, it deeply exposes and criticizes the drawbacks of the feudal imperial examination system. This study focuses on the classic image of Fan Jin in "The Scholars" and delves into the social background, characteristics, and social significance of his character formation. A brief introduction to the creative background of "The Scholars" provides background information for understanding the social environment in which Fan Jin's personality was formed. A detailed analysis was conducted on the influence of the imperial examination system, family background, and educational background on the formation of Fan Jin's personality, revealing the complexity and profundity of his personality formation. An analysis was conducted on Fan Jin's personality traits, including his passion for fame, timid and numb personality, and pedantic and incompetent behavior. These characteristics not only constitute the distinctive features of Fan Jin's image, but also reflect the common phenomena in society at that time. Exploring the social significance of Fan Jin's tragic personality, revealing the drawbacks of the imperial examination system, reflecting the distortion of social values, arousing people's attention to individual fate, and promoting cultural consciousness and humanistic care. This study aims to reflect on the impact of the imperial examination system and social values on individual development through an in-depth analysis of Fan Jin's tragic personality, and to seek a path to promote traditional culture, respect multiculturalism, and pay attention to the comprehensive development of individuals in modern society.

Keywords: The Scholars and Scholars; Fan Jin; Tragedy of personality


一、绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究目的及内容 2
二、《儒林外史》简介 3
2.1 创作背景 3
2.1.1 历史背景 3
2.1.2 社会背景 3
2.1.3 作者背景 3
2.2 内容提要 4
2.2.1 创作背景与主题 4
2.2.2 内容概述 4
三、范进性格形成的社会背景分析 4
3.1 科举制度的影响 4
3.2 家庭背景的影响 5
3.3 教育背景的影响 6
四、范进性格特征分析 6
4.1 热衷功名 6
4.2 怯懦麻木 7
4.3 迂腐无能 7
五、范进性格悲剧的社会意义 8
5.1 揭示科举制度的弊端 8
5.2 反映社会价值观的扭曲 8
5.3 引发对个体命运的关注 9
5.4 促进文化自觉和人文关怀 10
六、结论 10
参考文献 12




