




Du Fu, a great realistic poet of the Tang Dynasty, his poetry was full of profound emotions of concern for the country and the people, becoming a peak in the history of ancient Chinese literature. This study focuses on Du Fu's life and historical background, as well as the specific ex pressions and artistic characteristics of his concern for the country and the people. Du Fu's life went through the process of Tang Dynasty's transition from prosperity to decline, and his life was closely linked to the fate of the country. The political environment of the Tang Dynasty was complex and ever-changing, and wars such as the An Lushan Rebellion brought profound disasters to society, which also provided rich materials for Du Fu's poetry creation. Du Fu's thoughts have continuously developed in the context of the times, forming a unique sense of concern for the country and the people. In terms of specific ex pressions of national concern, Du Fu provided in-depth desc riptions of the decline of the dynasty, war and its impact, criticism of official corruption, and poetry expressing patriotic sentiments. He reflects the dark side of society through poetry, while also expressing concern and expectations for the country and nation. In terms of the profound display of his concern for the people, Du Fu delicately portrayed his sympathy for the lives of farmers, his concern for people's livelihoods in natural and man-made disasters, portraits of displaced people, and his yearning for a harmonious society. He pays attention to the suffering of people's livelihood, closely integrates his personal emotions with the reality of society, and expresses his yearning and pursuit for a harmonious society. In terms of the artistic characteristics of Du Fu's poetry, his concern for the country and the people is expressed through a melancholic and profound emotional tone, vivid language ex pression, clever use of me taphorical techniques, and rigorous poetic conception. These artistic features give Du Fu's poetry strong infectivity and vitality, making it a classic work of ancient Chinese literature.

Keywords: Du Fu; Worry about the country and the people; Tang Dynasty politics; Poetry ex pression


一、绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究目的及内容 2
二、杜甫生平与时代背景 3
2.1 杜甫的生平简介 3
2.1.1 家世背景 3
2.1.2 早年经历 3
2.1.3 安史之乱与流亡生涯 4
2.2 唐朝政治环境分析 4
2.2.1 政治体制与机构设置 4
2.2.2 政策开明与多元文化 4
2.2.3 社会风气与民众生活 4
2.2.4 安史之乱与政治动荡 5
2.3 杜甫思想及其发展 5
2.3.1 杜甫思想的核心 5
2.3.2 杜甫思想的发展阶段 5
三、忧国情感的具体表现 6
3.1 对王朝衰微的忧虑 6
3.2 战乱描写及其影响 6
3.3 对官员腐败的批判 7
3.4 爱国情怀的诗歌抒发 7
四、忧民情感的深刻展示 8
4.1 对农民生活的同情 8
4.2 天灾人祸中的民生关注 9
4.3 流离失所的民众画像 9
4.4 对和谐社会的向往 10
五、杜甫诗歌中忧国忧民情感的艺术特色 10
5.1 沉郁深沉的情感基调 10
5.2 形象生动的语言表达 11
5.3 比兴手法的巧妙运用 11
5.4 结构严谨的诗篇构思 12
六、结论 13
参考文献 14



