In this paper, how to make use of IT to promote the development of intelligent city is researched, and a new intelligent city management information system is designed. The system consists of several modules for monitoring, management and analysis of urban social, economic and environmental aspects. In this paper, we will introduce the basic concepts of Intelligent City, analyse the challenges that it is facing, put forward the application of IT in Intelligent City Management, emphasize on the design, function, and implement of the system.
Key words: Intelligent City, IT, City Management.
Abstract 1
1前言 3
1.1 选题的背景和意义 3
1.2 国际和国内的研究状况及发展动向 3
2智慧城市的构建综述 3
2.1 智慧城市(Smart City)概念及特征 3
2.2 智慧城市的类型与发展状况 4
2.3 智能城市建设中的关键技术与应用实例 4
3城市经营中的问题 4
3.1 我国城市经营存在的问题与困境 4
3.2 信息化为城市经营提供了理论支撑 5
3.3 信息技术在城市经营中的运用 5
4智能城管信息化体系的优化 6
4.1 最优数据收集与管理 6
4.2 最大限度地发挥公众服务作用 6
4.3 优化城市运行 6
5结论 7
参考文献 7