
摘 要

高压直流配电网是近年来兴起的一种新型配电网,它以其高效节能、适应能力强、便于智能化控制等优点而备受关注。但目前仍存在着标准化不完善、直流供电可靠性不高、故障处置费用高昂等问题,制约了该系统的安全与控制。因此,本项目拟从 LDC配电网的特性及控制策略的理论依据入手,对其面临的主要问题进行分析,并从策略优化、接口自适应、控制和安全性三个方面展开研究。为此,本项目拟从控制策略的选取与分析、控制算法的设计与仿真、控制系统的硬件实现三个层面展开研究,最终形成一套适用于低压直流配电网的快速控制算法。研究成果将有助于提升 HVDC配电网的输电效率与稳定运行,为其大规模推广应用奠定理论与技术支撑。

关键词: LDC配电网,控制系统硬件实现,控制策略


Low-voltage DC power distribution system, as a new type of power distribution, has many merits such as high efficiency, energy-saving, adaptability and intelligence. But because the standard is not perfect, the DC power is not reliable, and the trouble shooting is very high, so the control and security of the low voltage DC power distribution system is confronted with some challenges. Based on the analysis of the existing problems of low voltage DC distribution system, three possible strategies are proposed: strategy optimization, interface adaptation, control and safety. In order to solve these problems, this paper researches the choice and analysis of the control strategy, the design of the control algorithm and the simulation, the hardware realization of the control system. It is proved that the study can improve the transmission efficiency and the running stability of the low voltage DC distribution system, and provide the theory foundation and technique method for the widespread use of the low voltage DC distribution system.

Key words: Low-voltage DC Distribution System, Hardware Implementation of Control System and Control Strategy


摘 要 1
Abstract 1
引言 3
1文献综述 3
1.1关于直流配电网的基本概念 3
1.2直流配电网的发展史 4
1.3 HVDC配电网的特性 4
1.4防治战略的理论依据 4
1.5算法的基本原理 5
2 LDC配电网中的一些问题 5
2.1直流配电网规范不够完善 5
2.2比较不可靠的直流供电 5
2.3配电网络故障处理费用高 6
3 LDC分配方案的探讨 6
3.1战略最优——制定有效的分配政策 6
3.2界面调适—解决与 AC电源之间的界面问题 6
3.3 控制及安全-起重设备的安全性及控制 7
4 适用于 HVDC的快速控制技术 7
4.1 控制策略的选取和分析 7
4.2 一种基于模糊神经网络的控制方法 7
4.3 基于硬件的测控系统 7
结论 7
参考文献 8




