



As a representative work of Mr. Lu Xun, "The Scream" stands out in literary history with its profound social criticism and exploration of human nature. This work was born in a specific historical context and reflects the author's unique observation and sharp criticism of Chinese society at that time. Through depicting themes such as traditional ethical constraints, social class inequality, cultural conflicts, and personal awakening, Lu Xun showcases his unique literary characteristics in "The Scream", which employs critical and satirical literary techniques to deeply analyze social phenomena and reveal the complexity and diversity of human nature. Elaborate on the social criticism in "The Scream". The constraints of traditional ethics have led to people's mental and spiritual constraints; The division and inequality of social classes have led to the intensification of wealth inequality and social contradictions; Cultural conflicts reveal the fusion and conflict of Chinese and Western cultures in the collision. Lu Xun demonstrated his profound social insight and critical spirit through the depiction of these social phenomena. Lu Xun revealed the distortion and struggle of human nature, the tragedy of individual struggle, and the struggle between hope and despair through the character images and plot arrangements in his works. At the same time, he also explored the good and evil in human nature, revealing the complexity and diversity of human nature. These in-depth analyses of human nature give "The Scream" a unique position in literary history. This work is not only closely related to contemporary society, but also provides us with a valuable perspective on reflecting on social change and human nature. Through the combination of critical spirit and modern values, Lu Xun conveyed his desire for social progress and deep concern for human nature in "The Scream".

Keywords: Lu Xun; The Scream; Social criticism; Human exploration

一、绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究目的及内容 2
二、《呐喊》作品概述 3
2.1 鲁迅与《呐喊》创作背景 3
2.1.1 鲁迅生平 3
2.1.2 《呐喊》的创作背景 3
2.2 《呐喊》的文学特色 4
2.2.1 深刻的思想内涵 4
2.2.2 多样的艺术手法 4
2.2.3 丰富的人物形象 4
三、《呐喊》中的社会批判 5
3.1 传统礼教的束缚 5
3.2 社会阶层与不平等 5
3.3 文化冲突与个人觉醒 6
3.4 批判与讽刺的文学手法 7
四、《呐喊》中的人性探索 7
4.1 人性的扭曲与挣扎 7
4.2 个体抗争的悲剧性 8
4.3 希望与绝望的较量 9
4.4 人性中的善与恶 9
五、作品现实意义与启示 10
5.1 《呐喊》与当代社会的关联 10
5.2 社会变革与人性的反思 11
5.3 批判精神与现代价值 11
六、结论 12
参考文献 13




