Ordinary World is a masterpiece of realism created by Lu Yao, which not only occupies an important position in the history of modern Chinese literature, but also wins wide praise for its unique realism style and profound characterization. The work truly reflects the social reality, deeply reveals social problems, and shows the joys and sorrows of ordinary people through delicate brushstrokes and rich plots. His writing techniques highlight the characteristics of realism, that is, directly reflect life and show social contradictions and conflicts through the fate of the characters. In terms of characterization, Ordinary World shows the authenticity of character portrayal, the realistic color of characters' fate and the realistic depiction of characters' relationship, which makes the characters in the work lifelike and have a strong sense of reality. This characterization not only enhances the sense of reality of the works, but also deepens the characterization of the characters, further promotes the development and conflict of the plot, and enhances the depth and connotation of literary works. Realism style and characterization are interrelated and promote each other in Ordinary World, which together constitute the core value of the work. This style not only provides a solid foundation for the characterization of characters, but also reflects the social reality through the realistic color of the characters' fate, which makes the works have profound practical significance and literary value.
Key words: ordinary world; Realism style; characterization
一、绪论 4
1.1 简要介绍《平凡的世界》创作背景 4
1.2 阐述作者路遥 4
1.3 《平凡的世界》在中国现代文学史上的重要地位 4
二、《平凡的世界》现实主义风格 5
2.1 真实反映社会现实 5
2.2 深入揭示社会问题 5
2.3 写作手法的现实主义特点 6
2.4 现实主义风格的文学价值 6
三、《平凡的世界》人物塑造特点 7
3.1 角色刻画的真实性 7
3.2 人物命运的现实主义色彩 7
3.3 人物关系的现实主义描绘 8
3.4 人物塑造的艺术价值 8
四、现实主义风格与人物塑造的关联 9
4.1 现实主义风格为人物塑造提供基础 9
4.2 人物塑造体现现实主义风格 9
4.3 现实主义风格与人物塑造相互促进 10
4.4 人物命运的现实主义色彩反映社会现实 10
五、现实主义风格与人物塑造在文学中的意义与价值 11
5.1 现实主义风格在人物塑造中的意义 11
5.1.1 增强作品的现实感 11
5.1.2 深化人物性格的刻画 11
5.2 人物塑造在现实主义风格中的价值 12
5.2.1 推动情节的发展与冲突 12
5.2.2 提升文学作品的深度与内涵 12
六、结论 13
参考文献 14
Ordinary World is a masterpiece of realism created by Lu Yao, which not only occupies an important position in the history of modern Chinese literature, but also wins wide praise for its unique realism style and profound characterization. The work truly reflects the social reality, deeply reveals social problems, and shows the joys and sorrows of ordinary people through delicate brushstrokes and rich plots. His writing techniques highlight the characteristics of realism, that is, directly reflect life and show social contradictions and conflicts through the fate of the characters. In terms of characterization, Ordinary World shows the authenticity of character portrayal, the realistic color of characters' fate and the realistic depiction of characters' relationship, which makes the characters in the work lifelike and have a strong sense of reality. This characterization not only enhances the sense of reality of the works, but also deepens the characterization of the characters, further promotes the development and conflict of the plot, and enhances the depth and connotation of literary works. Realism style and characterization are interrelated and promote each other in Ordinary World, which together constitute the core value of the work. This style not only provides a solid foundation for the characterization of characters, but also reflects the social reality through the realistic color of the characters' fate, which makes the works have profound practical significance and literary value.
Key words: ordinary world; Realism style; characterization
一、绪论 4
1.1 简要介绍《平凡的世界》创作背景 4
1.2 阐述作者路遥 4
1.3 《平凡的世界》在中国现代文学史上的重要地位 4
二、《平凡的世界》现实主义风格 5
2.1 真实反映社会现实 5
2.2 深入揭示社会问题 5
2.3 写作手法的现实主义特点 6
2.4 现实主义风格的文学价值 6
三、《平凡的世界》人物塑造特点 7
3.1 角色刻画的真实性 7
3.2 人物命运的现实主义色彩 7
3.3 人物关系的现实主义描绘 8
3.4 人物塑造的艺术价值 8
四、现实主义风格与人物塑造的关联 9
4.1 现实主义风格为人物塑造提供基础 9
4.2 人物塑造体现现实主义风格 9
4.3 现实主义风格与人物塑造相互促进 10
4.4 人物命运的现实主义色彩反映社会现实 10
五、现实主义风格与人物塑造在文学中的意义与价值 11
5.1 现实主义风格在人物塑造中的意义 11
5.1.1 增强作品的现实感 11
5.1.2 深化人物性格的刻画 11
5.2 人物塑造在现实主义风格中的价值 12
5.2.1 推动情节的发展与冲突 12
5.2.2 提升文学作品的深度与内涵 12
六、结论 13
参考文献 14