

摘 要


Urban community construction is an important component of modern urban development, aimed at building a new type of community organization system, improving the quality of life of residents, and establishing a harmonious and orderly new type of modern community. With the changes in social structure and the acceleration of urbanization, the demand for community services continues to grow. The government has also promoted the sustainable development of urban community construction through policy promotion and institutional guarantees. However, there are still a series of problems in the construction and management of urban communities. The problems of insufficient public services, inadequate governance mechanisms, poor living environment, and low quality of residents urgently need to be solved. The main causes of these problems include insufficient government investment, imperfect community governance system, insufficient community management and awareness, as well as lagging education level and community cultural construction among residents. In order to solve these problems, a series of countermeasures and suggestions need to be taken. The government should increase investment in the construction of urban community public services, improve the coverage and quality of public facilities; Improve the urban community governance system, establish a collaborative mechanism between the government, community organizations, and residents, and improve the efficiency of community governance; Actively carry out environmental cleaning work to improve the living environment of residents; Strengthen community cultural construction, enhance the cultural literacy and community awareness of residents, and enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the community. Urban community construction and management is a complex and systematic project that requires the joint efforts of the government, community organizations, and residents to achieve the goals of community construction and create a better living environment for residents.

Keywords: Urban communities; Construction and management; Suggestions for countermeasures

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究目的和内容 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
第2章 城市社区建设概述 3
2.1 城市社区建设的概念 3
2.2 城市社区建设的目标 3
2.2.1 构建新型社区组织体系 3
2.2.2 提升居民生活质量 4
2.2.3 建立和谐有序的新型现代化社区 4
2.3 城市社区建设的历史背景 5
2.3.1 社会结构变迁与城市化进程 5
2.3.2 社区服务需求的增长 5
2.3.3 政策推动与制度保障 6
第3章 城市社区建设与管理中存在的问题 7
3.1 社区公共服务不足 7
3.2 社区治理机制不健全 7
3.3 居住环境不良 8
3.4 社区居民素质较低 8
第4章 城市社区建设与管理问题的成因分析 10
4.1 政府投入不足 10
4.2 社区治理体系不完善 10
4.3 社区管理和居民意识不足 11
4.4 居民教育水平和社区文化建设滞后 11
第5章 城市社区建设与管理的对策建议 13
5.1 加大对城市社区公共服务建设的投入 13
5.2 完善城市社区治理体系 13
5.3 积极开展环境清洁工作 14
5.4 加强社区文化建设 14
结 论 16
致 谢 17
参考文献 18



