

摘 要


As the core force to promote the sustainable development of the national economy, the improvement and optimization of the employee performance appraisal system is of great significance for the improvement of production efficiency and the overall competitiveness of enterprises. However, at present, many production-oriented enterprises still face many challenges in employee performance appraisal. The main problems are mainly reflected in the ambiguity of the performance appraisal standard, the lack of scientific and quantitative index system, and the simplicity of the performance appraisal method, which is difficult to comprehensively and accurately reflect the actual work performance of employees. In addition, the opacity of the performance appraisal process and the low participation of employees also further weaken the fairness and effectiveness of the appraisal. More importantly, the disconnection between the current performance appraisal results and the incentive mechanism seriously affects the work enthusiasm and creativity of employees. To overcome these difficulties, this study proposes a series of targeted countermeasures. First of all, multi-dimensional and quantitative performance appraisal standards should be established, and the weight and scoring standards of each index should be clearly defined to ensure the fairness and accuracy of the assessment. Secondly, diversified performance appraisal methods, such as 360-degree feedback and KPI key performance indicators, should be adopted to comprehensively evaluate employees' performance. At the same time, improve the transparency of the performance appraisal process, encourage employees to actively participate in it, in order to enhance the fairness and fairness of the assessment. Finally, the results of performance appraisal should be closely combined with the incentive mechanisms such as salary and promotion to stimulate the work enthusiasm and creativity of employees and further enhance the overall competitiveness of the enterprise.

Keywords: Production enterprises;Employee performance appraisal;optimizing strategy

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究目的和内容 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 1
第2章 生产型企业员工绩效考核概述 3
2.1 绩效考核的定义 3
2.2 绩效考核与员工激励的关系 3
2.2.1 绩效考核是员工激励的基础 3
2.2.2 激励方案与绩效考核结果挂钩 4
2.3 生产型企业员工绩效考核体系 4
2.3.1 考核指标 4
2.3.2 考核方式 4
第3章 生产型企业员工绩效考核存在的问题 6
3.1 绩效考核指标设置不科学 6
3.2 考核标准与实际工作脱节 6
3.3 考核流程缺乏透明度 6
3.4 考核周期设置不合理 7
3.5 考核结果反馈机制不健全 7
第4章 生产型企业员工绩效考核问题的成因分析 9
4.1 管理层对绩效考核的重视程度不够 9
4.2 管理层对绩效考核的理解存在偏差 9
4.3 绩效考核制度缺乏科学依据 10
4.4 绩效考核制度缺乏灵活性 10
4.5 绩效考核执行者素质不高 10
第5章 生产型企业员工绩效考核问题的优化对策 12
5.1 建立科学合理的绩效考核指标体系 12
5.2 加强考核标准的动态调整 12
5.3 合理设置考核周期 12
5.4 减少考核过程中的主观性影响 13
5.5 建立绩效考核与员工晋升、薪酬的紧密关联 13
结 论 15
参考文献 16
致 谢 17



