

摘 要



As the key way of early childhood socialization, peer communication has a profound influence on the overall development of children. However, there are a series of urgent problems to be solved in the current child peer communication. Among them, the self-centered behavior mode is particularly prominent, which is manifested as children's stubbornness, lack of care and understanding for others, and difficult to integrate into the collective and get along well with peers. This communication pattern not only hinders the development of their social skills, but it also may have potential negative effects on their physical and mental health. Family education is also an important factor affecting children's peer communication. Parents 'excessive protection and doting of children, or the use of rough, indifferent parenting, may have a negative impact on children's interpersonal skills. In addition, conflicts in the family environment will also bring psychological pressure to children, and further affect their performance in peer communication. In order to effectively solve these problems, we propose the following educational countermeasures. First, parents should establish correct parenting concepts, avoid excessive protection and indulgence, encourage children to learn to share and cooperate, and cultivate their social skills and empathy. Secondly, teachers should pay close attention to children's performance in peer communication, timely find and correct bad behaviors, and at the same time, set an example to help children learn the correct social way through demonstration and guidance.

Keywords: Children's peer communication; question; Educational countermeasures

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究目的和内容 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 1
第2章 幼儿同伴间交往现象概述 3
2.1 幼儿同伴交往的基本模式 3
2.2 幼儿同伴交往的动机和目的 3
2.3 幼儿在同伴交往中的自然行为表现 4
第3章 当前幼儿同伴交往中的普遍问题 5
3.1 社交技能缺乏导致的交往障碍 5
3.2 攻击性行为和冲突处理不当 5
3.3 缺乏必要的沟通技巧 6
3.4 情绪控制能力不足 6
第4章 幼儿同伴间交往问题产生的原因分析 7
4.1 家长过度保护幼儿 7
4.1.1 包办代替 7
4.1.2 限制活动 7
4.2 教师对幼儿的同伴交往缺乏关注 7
4.2.1 缺乏引导 7
4.2.2 忽视个体差异 8
4.3 部分幼儿性格内向 8
4.3.1 缺乏自信 8
4.3.2 过度敏感 9
4.4 难以适应多样化的社交环境 9
4.4.1 缺乏社交经验 9
4.4.2 缺乏适应性技能 10
第5章 优化幼儿同伴交往的教育对策研究 11
5.1 营造和谐友爱的班级氛围 11
5.1.1 建立积极向上的班级文化 11
5.1.2 定期组织班级活动 11
5.2 创设丰富多样的活动区角 11
5.2.1 设置不同功能的活动区角 11
5.2.2 投放适合幼儿年龄特点的材料 12
5.3 提供充足的交往机会 12
5.3.1 鼓励幼儿多与同伴交流 12
5.3.2 组织跨班级交流活动 13
5.4 营造宽松的心理环境 13
5.4.1 给予幼儿足够自主权 13
5.4.2 关注幼儿的情绪变化 14
结 论 15
参考文献 16
致 谢 17



