摘 要
In the contemporary business environment of global economic integration and increasingly fierce market competition, enterprises not only pursue economic benefits, but also need to pay attention to their impact on society and the environment. Therefore, corporate social responsibility has become an important indicator for measuring a company's sustainable development capability. Among them, the disclosure of corporate accounting information is an important way to demonstrate the fulfillment of corporate social responsibility, and its quality directly affects the decision-making of stakeholders and public awareness. However, in reality, enterprises have various problems in accounting information disclosure, and there is an urgent need for systematic research and improvement. This study delves into corporate accounting information disclosure from the perspective of social responsibility, aiming to reveal the current quality status of corporate accounting information disclosure, analyze existing problems, and propose improvement paths. The introduction section elaborates on the background and significance of the research, points out the current research status at home and abroad, and clarifies the research ob jectives. The theoretical foundation chapter starts from the theory of social responsibility and discusses the basic requirements and interrelationships of corporate accounting information disclosure. The third chapter reveals many problems in the disclosure of accounting information in enterprises through the analysis of the current situation and problems, such as incomplete and untimely disclosure content, and inadequate regulatory mechanisms. The fourth chapter proposes specific paths to improve the quality of corporate accounting information disclosure, including strengthening corporate social responsibility awareness, strengthening the guiding role of accounting standards, establishing supervision and evaluation mechanisms, and utilizing modern information technology strategies. The conclusion and outlook section summarizes the research results and provides prospects for future research directions.
Keywords: Corporate social responsibility; Accounting information disclosure; Transparency; Regulatory mechanisms
目 录
1.1 研究背景与意义
1.2 国内外研究现状
1.3 研究目的
2.1 社会责任理论概述
2.2 企业会计信息披露的基本要求
2.3 社会责任与会计信息披露的关联性分析
3.1 企业会计信息披露的现状分析
3.1.1 披露内容与标准的遵循情况
3.1.2 信息披露的及时性与透明度
3.1.3 社会责任元素在信息披露中的体现
3.2 企业会计信息披露存在的问题
3.2.1 社会责任履行情况披露不足
3.2.2 会计准则与法规遵守不严格
3.2.3 信息披露制度执行不到位
3.2.4 监管机制不健全导致披露质量参差不齐
4.1 加强企业社会责任意识培养与信息披露文化建设
4.2 强化会计准则与法规在信息披露中的指导作用
4.3 建立健全企业信息披露监督与评价机制
4.4 利用现代信息技术提升信息披露效率与质量
5.1 研究结论
5.2 研究不足与展望