
摘  要


Goodwill is a way for companies to reduce their liabilities when acquiring other companies. However, there are some problems with the accounting treatment of goodwill, such as the uncertainty of the goodwill measurement method and the subjectivity of the goodwill impairment test. This paper focuses on these issues and proposes corresponding solutions. Firstly, it is suggested to establish a reasonable goodwill measurement method to avoid affecting the company's accounts. Secondly, it is necessary to strengthen the scientific nature of the goodwill impairment test, accurately evaluate the value of goodwill, and avoid overestimation or underestimation of goodwill. In addition, strengthening internal control, establishing a sound accounting system, and regulating the accounting treatment of goodwill are important measures to ensure accounting accuracy and compliance. The content of this paper is of great reference value to financial personnel and enterprise managers, especially when formulating policies for accounting treatment of goodwill and internal control measures, the problems and solutions of accounting treatment of goodwill should be fully considered, so as to better manage the financial risks of the enterprise. 

Keywords: Goodwill; Accounting Treatment; Assets. 

目  录
1 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 2
2 相关理论和概念 3
2.1 商誉的含义、特点和评估方法 3
2.2 财务报告披露的原则 3
3 商誉会计处理问题的实证研究 5
3.1 商誉会计处理问题的影响因素分析 5
3.2 商誉会计处理问题的实证调查和分析 6
4 商誉会计处理问题的原因和影响 7
4.1 商誉会计处理问题的制度性原因 7
4.2 商誉会计处理问题的操作性原因 8
4.3 商誉会计处理问题的财务影响 10
5 商誉会计处理的对策和建议 11
5.1 完善商誉会计处理法律和制度 11
5.2 建立合理的商誉评估方法和程序 13
5.3 加强商誉财务报告披露和监管 13
结论 13
参考文献 13
致谢 13



