摘 要
The rapid development of digital currencies poses new challenges and opportunities for the traditional financial system and the effectiveness of central banks' monetary policies. This study, against the backdrop of the rise of digital currencies, investigates their impact on the transmission mechanism of central banks' monetary policies and the effectiveness of such policies. By constructing a theoretical model and employing empirical analysis methods, the study selects relevant data from major global economies to systematically evaluate the role of the普及程度 of digital currencies, changes in payment methods, and the development of decentralized finance on the pathways to achieving monetary policy ob jectives. The findings indicate that the widespread adoption of digital currencies may weaken the effects of traditional monetary policy tools, particularly in terms of interest rate transmission and credit allocation, while also offering central banks the possibility of innovative policy instruments, such as the introduction of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). The specific influence of digital currencies on the effectiveness of monetary policy is shown to depend on their technical characteristics, market acceptance, and the design of regulatory fr ameworks. A key innovation of this study lies in its integration of the technical attributes of digital currencies into the fr amework of monetary policy analysis, revealing through cross-regional comparisons the heterogeneous impacts of different digital currency models on monetary policy transmission. Furthermore, the study proposes adjustments to monetary policy suited to the era of digital currencies, emphasizing the importance of strengthening international cooperation and technological integration. Overall, this research not only deepens the understanding of the economic implications of digital currencies but also provides theoretical foundations and practical references for central banks' role positioning in the context of digital transformation.
Keywords: Digital Currency; Monetary Policy Effectiveness; Central Bank; Digital Legal Tender (CBDC); Technical Attributes
目 录
一、绪论 1
(一)数字货币与货币政策背景分析 1
(二)研究数字货币对货币政策意义探讨 1
(三)国内外研究现状综述 1
(四)本文研究方法与技术路线 2
二、数字货币对货币政策传导机制的影响 2
(一)货币政策传统传导机制概述 2
(二)数字货币对利率传导渠道的作用 3
(三)数字货币对信贷传导渠道的干扰 3
(四)数字货币对资产价格传导的影响 4
(五)数字货币对国际资本流动的效应 4
三、数字货币对中央银行货币控制能力的影响 5
(一)中央银行货币控制能力的核心要素 5
(二)数字货币发行对基础货币管理的挑战 5
(三)数字货币流通对货币乘数的影响 6
(四)数字货币对货币供应量统计的冲击 6
(五)数字货币对货币政策独立性的影响 7
四、数字货币背景下货币政策工具的有效性评估 7
(一)常规货币政策工具在数字货币环境下的适用性 7
(二)数字货币对非常规货币政策工具的制约 8
(三)数字货币对利率政策效果的重塑 8
(四)数字货币对量化宽松政策的影响分析 9
(五)政策工具创新以应对数字货币挑战 9
结论 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 12