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摘    要


关键词:智能时代  工业设计创新  数据驱动设计


  With the rapid development of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of Things, the intelligent era has brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges to the field of industrial design. This study aims to explore the innovative pathways of industrial design in the intelligent age to address the impact of technological changes on design thinking, methodologies, and practice models. By employing literature analysis, case studies, and interdisciplinary theoretical integration, this paper systematically reviews the current applications of intelligent technologies in industrial design and provides an in-depth analysis of their transformative effects on user experience, product functionality, and service models. The findings indicate that industrial design in the intelligent age should shift from a single product-oriented approach to user-centered intelligent solutions, emphasizing data-driven design decisions, human-machine collaborative interaction, and sustainable development values. Based on these insights, three core innovative pathways are proposed: first, establishing personalized design processes based on intelligent algorithms to meet diverse user needs; second, developing immersive experiential scenarios integrated with sensing technologies to enhance both the functionality and emotional appeal of products; third, exploring future-oriented technical ethical fr ameworks to ensure the inclusiveness and social responsibility of design.

Keyword:Intelligent Era  Industrial Design Innovation  Data-Driven Design

目  录

1绪论 1

1.1智能时代与工业设计的背景分析 1

1.2创新路径探索的研究意义 1

1.3国内外研究现状综述 1

2智能技术对工业设计的影响 2

2.1智能技术的核心特征解析 2

2.2工业设计中的智能技术应用现状 2

2.3智能技术驱动的设计范式转变 2

2.4智能化背景下用户需求的变化 2

2.5技术与设计融合的挑战与机遇 3

3智能时代工业设计的创新策略 3

3.1数据驱动的设计思维构建 3

3.2用户体验导向的创新路径 3

3.3模块化设计在智能化产品中的应用 4

3.4可持续设计理念的融入与实践 4

3.5跨学科协作的设计模式探索 4

4工业设计创新路径的案例分析与展望 5

4.1典型智能化产品的设计创新案例 5

4.2创新路径实施中的关键问题探讨 5

4.3设计流程优化的具体方法研究 6

4.4未来工业设计的发展趋势预测 6

4.5智能时代下设计师角色的重新定义 7

5结论 7

参考文献 9

致谢 10




