摘 要
关键词:容器化技术 软件部署 Kubernetes
With the rapid development of cloud computing and micro-service architecture, software deployment and management are facing increasingly complex challenges, and traditional virtualization technologies are gradually showing limitations in resource utilization, deployment efficiency, and flexibility. To this end, this paper focuses on containerization-based software deployment and management technologies to explore its potential to improve system performance, simplify operational processes, and support flexible expansion. By analyzing the core mechanism of mainstream container technology such as Docker and Kubernetes, the paper designs and realizes a set of efficient container deployment and management system combined with practical application scenarios. The system adopts a multi-level architecture, integrates automatic construction, dynamic scheduling and monitoring functions, and significantly optimizes the efficiency of resource allocation and task execution. The experimental results show that the containerization scheme proposed in this study can reduce deployment time by about 70% and reduce resource overhead by about 30% compared with traditional virtualization schemes. In addition, this paper innovatively proposes a container load balancing strategy based on the prediction model, which effectively improves the stability and response speed of the system.
Keyword:Containerization Technology Software Deployment Kubernetes
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1容器化技术的研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外容器化技术研究现状分析 1
1.3本文研究方法与技术路线 2
2容器化部署技术原理与实现 2
2.1容器化部署的基本概念与框架 2
2.2容器编排工具的功能与比较 3
2.3部署流程中的关键问题分析 3
2.4容器镜像管理的技术挑战与优化 4
2.5实例解析 4
3容器化环境下的资源管理技术 4
3.1资源分配与调度的核心机制 5
3.2动态资源调整的实现策略 5
3.3容器性能监控与优化方法 5
3.4异常检测与故障恢复机制 6
3.5资源管理的实际应用案例 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 9
摘 要
关键词:容器化技术 软件部署 Kubernetes
With the rapid development of cloud computing and micro-service architecture, software deployment and management are facing increasingly complex challenges, and traditional virtualization technologies are gradually showing limitations in resource utilization, deployment efficiency, and flexibility. To this end, this paper focuses on containerization-based software deployment and management technologies to explore its potential to improve system performance, simplify operational processes, and support flexible expansion. By analyzing the core mechanism of mainstream container technology such as Docker and Kubernetes, the paper designs and realizes a set of efficient container deployment and management system combined with practical application scenarios. The system adopts a multi-level architecture, integrates automatic construction, dynamic scheduling and monitoring functions, and significantly optimizes the efficiency of resource allocation and task execution. The experimental results show that the containerization scheme proposed in this study can reduce deployment time by about 70% and reduce resource overhead by about 30% compared with traditional virtualization schemes. In addition, this paper innovatively proposes a container load balancing strategy based on the prediction model, which effectively improves the stability and response speed of the system.
Keyword:Containerization Technology Software Deployment Kubernetes
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1容器化技术的研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外容器化技术研究现状分析 1
1.3本文研究方法与技术路线 2
2容器化部署技术原理与实现 2
2.1容器化部署的基本概念与框架 2
2.2容器编排工具的功能与比较 3
2.3部署流程中的关键问题分析 3
2.4容器镜像管理的技术挑战与优化 4
2.5实例解析 4
3容器化环境下的资源管理技术 4
3.1资源分配与调度的核心机制 5
3.2动态资源调整的实现策略 5
3.3容器性能监控与优化方法 5
3.4异常检测与故障恢复机制 6
3.5资源管理的实际应用案例 6
结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 9