

摘    要


关键词:企业并购  财务风险  并购流程

  As an important way to optimize the allocation of resources and realize economies of scale, enterprise merger and acquisition plays a key role in the development of modern economy, but the financial risks can not be ignored. This study aims to deeply analyze the financial risks and their prevention strategies in order to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for enterprises. Through the analysis of a large number of M & A cases at home and abroad, combined with financial theoretical models, such as cash flow discount model and capital asset pricing model, financial risk factors are comprehensively identified from the three stages before, during and after M & A, including valuation deviation, unreasonable financing structure, excessive debt burden, etc. It is found that the accurate evaluation of the value of target enterprises before merger and acquisition is the basis for reducing financial risks, and the reasonable financing structure design can effectively relieve the capital pressure, while the integrated management after merger and acquisition is crucial to financial stability.

Keyword:Corporate Mergers And Acquisitions  Financial Risk  Merger And Acquisition Process

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1企业并购财务风险研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状综述 1
1.3研究方法与技术路线 1
2企业并购中的财务风险识别 2
2.1并购定价风险分析 2
2.2融资结构风险评估 2
2.3盈利预测不确定性风险 3
3财务风险管理机制构建 3
3.1风险预警体系建立 4
3.2内部控制制度完善 4
3.3风险转移策略选择 5
4财务风险防范的具体措施 5
4.1并购前尽职调查强化 5
4.2并购后整合规划实施 6
4.3持续监控与动态调整 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10
