As the modernization of government governance progresses, the management of administrative operating costs has become a critical issue for enhancing administrative efficiency and the effectiveness of fiscal fund utilization. This study focuses on the operating costs of government agencies, aiming to explore their compositional characteristics, influencing factors, and optimization pathways to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for constructing a scientific and rational cost management system. By employing a combination of literature analysis, case studies, and quantitative modeling, this research systematically examines and deeply analyzes cost data from multiple local government agencies. The findings reveal that current agency operating costs are characterized by structural imbalances, insufficient transparency, and inadequate control mechanisms, which to some extent constrain the efficient allocation of government resources. Through the introduction of full-cost accounting principles and performance evaluation tools, this study proposes an improvement fr amework based on refined management, emphasizing the balance between cost control and service quality. A key innovation lies in the first application of activity-based costing to the analysis of agency operating costs, complemented by big data technology for dynamic monitoring and forecasting. The study demonstrates that optimizing agency operating costs can not only reduce fiscal burdens but also significantly enhance public service levels, offering important references for advancing the modernization of government governance systems and capabilities.
Keywords:Operational Cost Of Government Agencies; Cost Management Optimization; Activity-Based Costing
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一) 政府机关运行成本分析的背景与意义 1
(二) 国内外研究现状综述 1
(三) 本文研究方法与技术路线 1
(四) 研究目的和内容 2
二、政府机关运行成本构成分析 2
(一) 运行成本的主要构成要素 2
(二) 不同类型机关的成本差异分析 3
(三) 成本构成中的关键影响因素 4
三、政府机关运行成本管理现状与问题 4
(一) 当前成本管理的主要模式 4
(二) 成本管理中存在的突出问题 5
(三) 管理问题的成因分析 5
四、政府机关运行成本优化策略研究 6
(一) 基于效率提升的成本控制路径 6
(二) 技术手段在成本管理中的应用 6
(三) 政策支持与制度保障体系构建 7
结 论 8
参考文献 9
As the modernization of government governance progresses, the management of administrative operating costs has become a critical issue for enhancing administrative efficiency and the effectiveness of fiscal fund utilization. This study focuses on the operating costs of government agencies, aiming to explore their compositional characteristics, influencing factors, and optimization pathways to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for constructing a scientific and rational cost management system. By employing a combination of literature analysis, case studies, and quantitative modeling, this research systematically examines and deeply analyzes cost data from multiple local government agencies. The findings reveal that current agency operating costs are characterized by structural imbalances, insufficient transparency, and inadequate control mechanisms, which to some extent constrain the efficient allocation of government resources. Through the introduction of full-cost accounting principles and performance evaluation tools, this study proposes an improvement fr amework based on refined management, emphasizing the balance between cost control and service quality. A key innovation lies in the first application of activity-based costing to the analysis of agency operating costs, complemented by big data technology for dynamic monitoring and forecasting. The study demonstrates that optimizing agency operating costs can not only reduce fiscal burdens but also significantly enhance public service levels, offering important references for advancing the modernization of government governance systems and capabilities.
Keywords:Operational Cost Of Government Agencies; Cost Management Optimization; Activity-Based Costing
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一) 政府机关运行成本分析的背景与意义 1
(二) 国内外研究现状综述 1
(三) 本文研究方法与技术路线 1
(四) 研究目的和内容 2
二、政府机关运行成本构成分析 2
(一) 运行成本的主要构成要素 2
(二) 不同类型机关的成本差异分析 3
(三) 成本构成中的关键影响因素 4
三、政府机关运行成本管理现状与问题 4
(一) 当前成本管理的主要模式 4
(二) 成本管理中存在的突出问题 5
(三) 管理问题的成因分析 5
四、政府机关运行成本优化策略研究 6
(一) 基于效率提升的成本控制路径 6
(二) 技术手段在成本管理中的应用 6
(三) 政策支持与制度保障体系构建 7
结 论 8
参考文献 9